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Pete Stiglich

Blogs from this Author

Perficient’s Big Data Stack

Big Data has generated a lot of interest in the media and in industry, leading to the possible impression that every data problem is a “Big Data” problem. However, the amount of interest is justified given the performance and scalability boost possible and the economic feasibility of Big Data platforms enabled by commodity hardware clusters/grids […]

Data Management Activities that are Critical to Trustworthy Data

Being able to trust data is of course important for decision makers. We may even say we have trusted data. Even if the data is trusted by decision makers – how certain are you that it should be trusted? If we slap a label on something and call it “trusted” data without paying the true […]

Data Governance Organizations – Tying them all together

In my last blog posting, I talked about the Subject Area Data Stewardship Subcommittee and how it is the forum for collaboration and stewardship over a specific data subject area or domain. In this article, I will describe three key roles involved in Data Governance and Stewardship organizations which are critical for setting and maintaining […]

Data Governance Organizations – the Subject Area Data Stewardship Subcommittee

In my last blog posting, I talked about the role of the Data Governance Coordinating Committee as the body that coordinates the work of Data Stewards in Enterprise Data Governance when cross-domain enterprise data alignment is needed and to provide a consistent approach to Data Stewardship. In this posting I will describe many of the […]

Data Governance Orgs: The Data Stewardship Coordinating Committee

In my last blog posting, I talked about the role of the Data Governance Board as the key decision making body in Enterprise Data Governance. The decisions which the Data Governance Board should make should be highly strategic in nature – you don’t want executives and senior leaders sitting around arguing over fine distinctions in […]

Data Governance and Stewardship Organizations

In my last blog posting, I talked about the need for Data Governance and Data Stewardship to work collaboratively across business units and that organizations should be formed over time to help enable this collaboration. While no two Data Governance programs are identical, below is an example structure which might be adopted, in a phased […]

Data Governance vs. Data Management

When you hear some talk about Data Governance, it is hard to decipher whether they’re really talking about Data Governance or if they’re really talking about Data Management or some ambiguous conglomeration of the two. The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management defines Data Governance as “The exercise of authority, control and shared decision making (planning, […]

“Schema-less” Big Data

Much has been touted about Big Data being “schema-less,” thus minimizing data modeling, especially Physical Data Modeling. At a low level (e.g., Map Reduce level), there is some truth to this as Map Reduce works with key value pairs. In the Map phase of a Map Reduce job, the input data is read in and […]

Helping Data Scientists Navigate Big Data with the Semantic Web

The term “Big Data” is being thrown around a lot lately, but what is it, and what makes “Big Data” different from the other data that wework with in the healthcare industry? Big Data is differentiated by its volume, velocity, and variety. The last point, variety, deals not only with the wide variety of formats […]

Big Data – Data Management Challenges

Big Data presents a lot of new opportunities – from analytics on petabytes of data to Complex Event Processing (CEP) of many large streams of data in real time. However, Big Data also presents big challenges for Data Management. These challenges include security/privacy, governance, data modeling, and backups. Security – security for many NoSQL-based Big […]

Big Data – Where can it be used in Healthcare?

There is a lot of interest in Big Data these days. The common definition for Big Data is often considered to be data sets which are too large (e.g., hundreds of terabytes or into petabytes) to be handled by traditional means. Leveraging Big Data requires an extensive degree of parallelism of both data and computing, […]

Blue Button – Is it time to get into the 21st century?

The VA and Medicare recently launched the Blue Button initiative where patients can “download their claims and medical information in a common format.” This format is a plain ASCII text file with the purpose being to allow the information to be read or printed on any device. A pretty slick Adobe Air application can be […]

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