These are some pretty basic notes, but worth calling out for the benefit of users new to the OCS Deployment Wizard. Troubleshooting deployment issues is pretty common and the logs are the best place to start from. During the various setup wizards in OCS each step typically concludes with a window reporting either successful or […]
PointBridge Blogs
Blogs from this Author
Forms Services: The “InfoPath Sentinel”
There’s an undocumented feature in InfoPath Forms Services called the "InfoPath Sentinel". It only makes itself known under certain conditions: You must be editing a browser-enabled InfoPath form through Form Services Your browser must be configured to block first-party cookies You must perform a postback, such as saving to a data connection or opening a […]
Hyper-v and Virtual PC 2007: Some Cohabitation Issues
I recently started to work with Hyper-v to build a 64 bit environment as Virtual PC 2007 is not supporting it. I started to go back and forth between Hyper-v and Virtual PC 2007. I immediately noticed that my all my vms in Virtual PC 2007 would not perform well. They would take forever to […]
OCS R2 CWA Single Certificate Configuration
Although I find it best practice to deploy two separate certificates on an OCS R2 Communicator Web Access server, there are times when using a single certificate for both server-based MTLS and client-based SSL communications are the best approach, mainly cost if an internal CA is unavailable and all certificates are being purchased. The problem […]
OCS Services Hang on Startup
In a recent deployment OCS 2007 R2 Enterprise Edition was deployed to a physical server running Windows Server 2008 that began to exhibit problems immediately after the first reboot. Basically the server failed to respond to network traffic and was unreachable via RDP or other previously listening services after restarting. Upon connecting to the console […]
Managing Certification Authority Certificates for OCS
Typically in a basic deployment there are times when Windows workstations and servers which are not members of the internal Active Directory domain need to communicate with OCS servers. This could be attempting to sign-in to Office Communicator installed on a test workstation on the internal corporate network, as well as a perimeter-network server (like […]
OCS Service Startup/Shutdown Order
Typically when restarting services in Windows most people use the Services snap-in or the net start/stop commands, but the OCS Management console offers a simple way to stop and start services in a pre-defined order. I investigated the behavior of this to learn what the preferred order or service dependencies may be (if at all) […]
Access Denied” / “401-UnAuthorised” error while accessing the “DefaultPage” property of Publishing Web class for anonymous access.
In our project, we were facing a weird problem while using our custom master pages on MOSS publishing portal, getting an “Access Denied” / “401-UnAuthorised” error while accessing the portal for Anonymous User Access(Internet Zone). If we apply any other default master page site works fine. Finally got the solution, just want to share the […]
Disabling Communicator to Communicator calls with GPO
I ran into an issue at a client that they wanted the ability to turn off Communicator to Communicator voice calls for users. Even though OCS R2 with Mediation is in the environment, only those users that are Enterprise Voice enabled should be able to use Communicator as a voice client. Using the supplied OCS […]
Opening an RMS protected XPS file on Windows Vista
I ran into an issue today that I couldn’t initially explain. Windows Vista ® (post SP1) comes with a feature that builds XPS viewing through IE. While great, it seemed to be having problems on a users machine. The first clue to troubleshooting was that XPS had come to the user in a RMS protected […]
OCS R2 Edge Topologies Explained
Byron Spurlock has a blog article that briefly talks about the different topologies for Edge servers in R2 but I wanted to go into a little more detail and highlight a few seemingly small, but important changes introduced in R2 that sort of flew in under the radar as all the other neat features in […]
SharePoint Blog Client
SharePoint provides an out of the box (OOTB) blog site template to create blogs, but the blogging site and capabilities that come out of the box with SharePoint don’t include an easy to use blog client. You can create a new blog post entry by using SharePoint UI; however, the problem with SharePoint UI is […]