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Nigel ZettSolutions Architect

Nigel has been a software developer for over 30 years, specializing in .Net C# development since the early beta releases in 2000. He was a staff author and programmer for SoftSide Magazine and a contributor to trade journals such as Byte and 80-Micro in the early days of personal computing. He has worked with the Optimizely CMS suite of products since 2016 and is currently a Solutions Architect for Perficient.

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Blogs from this Author

Camper Travels Along A Curving Highway In Alaska Below Mountains Near Seward On A Sunny Afternoon

Creating new sites in Optimizely CMS 12

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step…” This is the first in a series of articles describing my experiences with migrating client sites from CMS 11 to CMS 12.  Many things have changed, added, and improved, but some things I encountered did not always have an easy answer. Optimizely has a […]