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Martin Sizemore

Enterprise Architect with specialized skills in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Consultant and a trusted advisor to Chief Executive Officers, COOs, CIOs and senior managers for global multi-national companies and healthcare organizations. Deep industry experience as a consultant in manufacturing, healthcare and financial services industries. Broad knowledge of IBM hardware and software offerings with numerous certifications and recognitions from IBM including On-Demand Computing and SOA Advisor. Experienced with Microsoft general software products and architecture, including Sharepoint and SQL Server. Deep technical skills in system integration, system and software selection, data architecture, data warehousing and infrastructure design including virtualization.

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Blogs from this Author

It’s Time to Get Real…

…Real-time analytics, that is. One of the challenges in healthcare today is the lag in time for the acquisition, storage, analysis and delivery of data back to the physician or other healthcare provider for decision-making. The majority of transactional information about a patient that is produced on reports or presented in terms of business intelligence […]

Replay and Slides! ACO = HIE + Analytics: Managing Population Health

Last Thursday I spoke in a webinar entitled “ACO = HIE + Analytics: Managing Population Health with Information Exchange and Analytics“. You can view the slides below, and you can view a full recast of the webinar here: Let me know what you think! ACO = HIE + Analytics – a Healthcare IT Presentation […]

Will ACOs Produce Accountable Patients?

I had the privilege of attending the Connected Health Symposium 2011 in Boston on October 20-21. One of great ideas from that Symposium was to debate the key topics in healthcare today including the idea of Accountable Care Organizations and their ability to drive quality up and costs down. At the heart of that idea […]

Connected Health Symposium 2011: Living in the Clouds

In the book As The Future Catches You, Juan Enriquez notes that “in a knowledge economy, you can work at your desk, in your home, in a hotel, or in a plane.” As a person that operates in just that manner, there are real concerns not about just the connectivity to accomplish that mode of […]

Connected Health 2011: Sending Your Avatar to the Doctor Instead of You

The rapidly shifting role of patients within the care model has resulted in demand for easier access to healthcare professionals. Innovations in social media and collaborative technologies provide healthcare organizations with the ability to disperse information quickly and appeal to individuals who are seeking cost-effective healthcare services, especially in remote or rural communities. There are […]

It’s time to keep the Meaning in Meaningful Use

In the chase to implement EMRs and meet the deadlines for attestation for Meaningful Use, the real reason behind the requirements seems to get lost in some healthcare organizations. Those numerators and denominators represent people – patients with real medical needs that simply don’t want to be a number or a faceless statistic. As the […]

Accountable Care Meets Analytics at AHIP

We are in San Francisco this week at the America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) Conference. This is a great event, and there are a lot of themes being evaluated by the conference attendees. One hot topic from our blog is how to create sustainable Accountable Care models. This Thursday late morning session was standing room […]

A Fresh Look at Utilization Management at AHIP

We are in San Francisco this week at the America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) Conference. This is a great event, and there are a lot of conversations going on among conference attendees. One hot topic from our AHIP Trend Watch post is the pressure health insurers are under with regards to Utilization Management. Utilization Management […]

Smart Ideas about a Smart Room for Patients

Yesterday I read a post from Sara Jackson on the Hospital Impact blog entitled “Bacteria and mobile devices: A growing danger for patients?” This report highlights the role that mobile devices, used by both patients and physicians, play in the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria. This report was very timely. I had just returned from […]

When the Simple Becomes Difficult: Measure 12 of Meaningful Use Stage 1

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) introduced in early 2009 provides reimbursement incentives for Medicare and Medicaid to physician and hospital providers who meet the requirements of implementing “meaningful use” with an electronic medical record (EMR) or electronic health record (EHR) certified system. The reimbursements start in October 2011 and continue through 2015 with […]

White Paper: Could EMR Software be Detrimental to Healthcare?

It goes without saying that electronic medical records is a hot topic in healthcare technology. We are often asked, “What does Perficient do in electronic medical records?” While Perficient does not provide EMR or EHR solutions, interoperability should be top of mind as more and more records become electronic. This is what I was thinking […]

Healthcare Reform & Physician Loyalty

Last Thursday I spoke in a webinar entitled “Healthcare Reform & Physician Loyalty: What Can CRM Do To Support Accountable Care Organizations (ACO)?”. During this presentation I covered physician loyalty and why it has become such a hot topic in light of healthcare reform and increasing trends in physician turnover. Perficient’s Lisa Anderson joined me […]

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