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Mark Shen

Blogs from this Author

Introduction to Apple’s ARKit (Part One)

In the WWDC 2017, Apple announced the ARKit, which is a new framework to embed the Augmented Reality technology. In this article, you’ll get a brief idea of what AR is and what is inside the ARKit. What is AR? AR (Augmented Reality) is a technology that put a visual object into the real world. […]

Useful build-in tools to detect performance issues of iOS Apps

When developing Apps, it is not usual but sometimes developers may face some weird issues like lagging, stuck or even App crash. Normally, those issues are caused by some bad code style or leak programming and a traditionally developer can use some third-part tools like SonarQube to ensure the code quality. Unfortunately, iOS developing uses […]

ATS in iOS 10

ATS ( App Transport Security) is a good network security policy proposed by Apple in WWDC 15. According to ATS, no security network visiting (aka any web url starting with http://) is settled in iOS 9 by default. Although users can set the “NSAppTransportSecurity” value inside Info.plist to allow Apps connect with no security networks […]

How to Develop & Manage SVN Projects Under OS X

Git is the default source control method for Xcode and probably the most commonly used control system version for an Apple developer. Recently, many hybrid-develop App developments are required by the market so that other IDEs such as Eclipse have to be used for hybrid developing. In that case, projects would be using SVN (Apache […]

Four different architectures for mobile App development

MVC MVC (Model-View-Controller) is one of the most common used structure for App development, extremely good for those apps that have a short life cycle. In MVC, Controller layer is the place for implementing an App’s mainly functions; the Model layer is for data related functions; while View layer is for the designs and UI […]

3 ways to let ATS work with your HTTP server and iOS Apps

At WWDC 2015, Apple announced “App Transport Security” for iOS 9 and OSX 10.11 El Capitan. The “What’s New in iOS” guide for iOS 9 explains: “App Transport Security (ATS) lets an app add a declaration to its Info.plist file that specifies the domains with which it needs secure communication. ATS prevents accidental disclosure, provides secure […]

DevOps, Agile and Mobile Developing

Unlike most traditional program products or IT solutions, mobile development is very dynamic. You must follow the evolutionary change of mobile devices regularly to keep up. Usually, faster response, adaptive planning, early delivery and flexible response to change are the keys to providing a successful mobile app solution. An agile software development style, such as SCRUM, […]

First bite of Apple’s new UI testing tool

In early June, Apple released a new UI testing tool in WWDC 2015. I’ve tried this interesting tool in some of our internal projects during the past three weeks, and I’ve discovered some pros and cons along the way. I share my experiences below: What’s my environment: OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Xcode 7.0 beta 2 […]

Generate code coverage report for iOS apps in Jenkins server

Code coverage is a good method to describe the degree to which the source code of a project is tested and how well the project is tested. In iOS develop world, around 25%  test code coverage is common required in business. Unfortunately, iOS native develop IDE (aka Xcode) hasn’t provided a default build-in code coverage […]

Settle newest iOS projects in Jenkins server – Part 2

Create & configure an IOS project in Jenkins To create an iOS project in Jenkins, I recommend to get the project from a version control server, like git, gitlab, svn, etc. Here I use gitlab to clone my projects into Jenkins.

Settle newest iOS projects in Jenkins server – Part 1

Jenkins is a common-used open source continuous integration solution for many companies, it works well for a large range of projects, but Jenkins is not the first choice for Apple developers. Apple provided an independent CI server called Xcode Server which only works for Apple projects. But for many managers, it is always a better […]

How to set up Apple Touch ID for your own apps

It has been quite a while since Apple Inc. provided the fingerprint authentication API for developers to use the amazing feature “Touch ID” in their own apps, but it’s still hard for us to find out any Touch ID supported apps in App Store. This post will provide you a chance to touch this new […]