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Settle newest iOS projects in Jenkins server – Part 1

Jenkins is a common-used open source continuous integration solution for many companies, it works well for a large range of projects, but Jenkins is not the first choice for Apple developers. Apple provided an independent CI server called Xcode Server which only works for Apple projects. But for many managers, it is always a better choice if there is an “one picture”solution which could settle all projects in a single CI server. And here is my solution to let the newest iOS projects (build by Xcode 6) work well in a Jenkins server.



Fist of all

This post assumes that you’ve already got a version control system up and running. If you haven’t please see my colleague’s related post:

Install java, brew,etc

To start the configuration, we need to install Java, brew on your mac first. Java is no longer installed on OS X by default, so please follow the link to install java.

After that, we need to install brew for the future configuration, follow the link to install brew.

Init a Jenkins server

First of all, you’ll have to install a Jenkins server in a Mac OS based computer. Download the newest version from Jenkins and install it.

Mac OS X

After the installation, you need to run the following codes first to move the Jenkins folder to your personal folder, to make sure there is no “permission issues” in future.

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist

And be sure to start the Jenkins server from command line every time, by using:

 java -jar /Applications/Jenkins/jenkins.war  –httpPort=8080

After Jenkins is fully boot up, visit it in your browser:



Install necessary plugins in Jenkins

Install plugins via “Manage Jenkins”—“Manage Plugins”—“Available” and here is my plugins list:

Cobertura Plugin

GitLab Plugin

MapDB API Plugin

SLOCCount Plug-in

Static Analysis Collector Plug-in

Static Analysis Utilities


Configure a clang analyze plugin

For those who want to enable a static analyze function in Jenkins, we’ll have to do some hard-coding things to let an analyze adaptable for Xcode 6.

  1. Install maven:

Brew install maven

  1. Get the latest Clang Scan-Build Plugin from github:

git clone

  1. Locate and open “clang-scanbuild-plugin/src/main/java/jenkins/plugins/clangscanbuild/commands/”, and do something like this:



  1. Go back to the root folder of clang-scan, recompile the plugin with maven, and skip test to save time:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install

  1. Locate the new auto-created “target” folder, and find “clang-scanbuild-plugin.hpi” under the “target” folder, then copy it directly into Jenkins plugin folder (usually under “~/Users/YOUR-USER-NAME/.jenkins/plugins”), then restart Jenkins, go to the plugins page to check that your plugin is installed.




(select ’Manage Jenkins’ — ’Manage Plugins’ and click on the ’Installed’ tabs)

  1. Download & install the Clang Static Analyzer in your machine, then tell the Jenkins to install the clang static analyzer in the Jenkins settings tab (“Manage Jenkins”—“Configure System”—“Clang Static Analyzer” :



Configure other plugins

For those guys who want to use the same plugins as I list above, good news for you, I’ve already written a script to configure, just type the following codes in your terminal and all done, cheers! XD

#install for junit

sudo gem install ocunit2junit

#install for code coverage check

cd ~
git clone

sudo cp ./gcovr/scripts/gcovr /usr/local/bin

sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/gcovr

sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/gcovr
cd ~

rm -rf ./gcovr/


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