This is the second part of our series in which we’re discussing the increasing need to build trust among healthcare consumers. The analytics and opinion-polling firm Gallup has found a decline in Americans’ trust in many institutions and industries, including healthcare. This means building strong, ongoing relationships with consumers and members will be more critical […]
Michael Adkins – Senior Content and IA Strategist, Digital Health Strategy
As part of Perficient's Digital Health Strategy team, Michael partners with healthcare organizations to create informative, conversion-centered content for a variety of applications, including websites and blogs. Michael writes content that highlights clients’ service-line offerings, expertise in unique treatments, differentiators in competitive markets and additional factors that are important to patients.

Blogs from this Author
Overcoming Healthcare’s Mountain of Mistrust – Part 1: Providers
According to research from the analytics and opinion-polling firm Gallup, Americans’ faith and trust in their institutions are on the decline. Even the healthcare industry, which has long enjoyed some of the highest trust ratings among the public, has also seen a drop in consumer confidence. Gallup’s data shows that Americans’ trust in the healthcare […]
Rapid Response Healthcare Blogging: Blog Fast, Blog Smart, Blog Well
Blogging is a great way to establish your healthcare organization and your providers as thought-leaders in the communities you serve. But as your audience members come to trust your organization, they will look to you as a trusted resource when healthcare issues arise in the news. That’s where rapid response comes in. Rapid response blogging […]
Tone, Voice and Style Guide: Why Your Healthcare Organization Needs to Update
When we start new content projects with healthcare clients, one of the first items we ask for is any content style guide or documentation they have for their internal or agency writers. Some organizations don’t have anything to provide. Some have a bit of writing guidance tucked into their overall brand and design guidelines. And […]
Generation Alpha: 5 Traits That Will Reshape Healthcare
My son is 5. He likes “Sesame Street” and superheroes. He zooms around the driveway too fast on his scooter. And when he falls, he still runs to me to kiss it and make it better. Like most parents, I worry and wonder about what kind of world he’ll grow up in. And because of […]
Why Content Is the Key to Opening Healthcare’s Digital Front Door – Part 2: Payers
This is the second part of our series in which we’re discussing healthcare’s digital front door — the technologies and strategies you use to engage with consumers throughout their journeys. Having a cohesive content strategy is the key for consumers to open your digital front door and engage with your organization. To recap: Part 1 […]
Why Content Is the Key to Opening Healthcare’s Digital Front Door – Part 1: Providers
The digital front door — namely, the technologies and strategies you use to engage with consumers at every stage of their journeys — had started to catch on with healthcare consumers even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, digital-focused consumers have come to expect the convenience and speed the concept promises. And they’ll go to other […]
Physician Blogs: How to Position Your Physicians as Thought-Leaders
When people need to find a doctor, most of them turn to the internet. That means your organization’s physicians must find ways to stand out in this hyper-connected, hyper-competitive marketplace. As a healthcare marketer, you’re in a unique position to help your physicians find their voice. Physician blogs are a great way to get your […]
Healthcare Blogs: A Prescription for Healthcare Marketing Success
If there’s one thing healthcare marketers need more of, it’s time. Your day is most likely taken up with monitoring campaigns, analyzing metrics of your digital marketing, adjusting strategies and, of course, meetings. But it’s a simple fact: Healthcare blogs provide significant opportunities to connect with your audience and drive conversions. If your healthcare organization […]
Why Word Choice Has Emotional Consequences in Your Healthcare Content
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou, poet and writer I use the above quote when teaching clients about the best practices of effective web writing for healthcare. It’s a good gut check for […]
Healthcare Storytelling Part 2: Improve Your Patient Stories With the Hero’s Journey
In Part 1 of this series, my colleague Marlana Voerster wrote about the need for healthcare organizations to incorporate principles of good storytelling to make your brand a hero in users’ eyes. In this article, we’ll be talking about storytelling and heroism from another angle: the hero’s journey, also known as the monomyth. It’s a […]
Healthcare Social Media Content: 4 Types You Should Share With Your Audience
“I’m not sure what social media content to put out there.” This is a sentiment we hear often from our healthcare clients—most often if they’re (a) overworked/understaffed or (b) only focusing on one or two social channels or content types, possibly because of misguided advice from other consulting agencies. (Or (c) all of the above.) […]