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Jim Butz

Blogs from this Author

How CNN’s Presidential Election Coverage Helped My Mother Finally Understand What I Do For a Living

When I left work yesterday, I had no intention of watching the election results playout hour-by-hour on my television. In fact, I planned to spend the night catching up on Narcos episodes before heading to bed to get my recommended eight hours of beauty sleep (no comments.) By about 9:30 pm, I couldn’t resist the […]

What’s New in MicroStrategy 10.3

As experts in MicroStrategy, it’s our goal to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and resources that you need to maximize the value of your MicroStrategy investment. On March 15, MicroStrategy officially announced the General Availability (GA) of MicroStrategy 10.3. This is the third version of MicroStrategy 10 to be released under MicroStratgy’s new “90 day cadence […]


Optimize Performance, Drive End-user Adoption and Reduce Your Support Costs Using MicroStrategy 10 Operations Manager

One of the many benefits of MicroStrategy 10 Secure Enterprise is the new Operations Manager console, which provides administrators with a single web-based interface from which they can manage and monitor all of their MicroStrategy systems. Many of the features of Operations Manager are the result of the millions of dollars invested by MicroStrategy in […]

Custom Data Connector Integrates Power BI and MicroStrategy

Why You Should be Excited About the Launch of MicroStrategy 10

I’ve been working with MicroStrategy software for nearly twenty years. I was first introduced to MicroStrategy’s DSS Agent around 1996, back when MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor could be seen pulling into the MicroStrategy parking lot in his early model Lexus with his personalized license plates that read “DSS Web.” I’ve seen a lot of change […]

Post-Digital Transformation

3 Keys to Defining an Actionable BI Roadmap

How do you prioritize your business intelligence initiatives? We’ve identified three key areas of consideration that will help you identify the high impact business intelligence solutions that have the lowest implementation risk. For every industry, there are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of potential BI use cases. Your success depends on your ability to identify […]

New In-Memory Architecture in MicroStrategy 10 Enables Speed-of-Thought Report Performance

In today’s world, users expect their reporting applications to provide near instantaneous response times despite the fact that today’s analytic applications consist of dashboards containing dozens of visualizations built on top of exploding data volumes. MicroStrategy has made significant changes to its in-memory architecture as part of their version 10 release to address the new […]

Best Practices for Integrating MicroStrategy with SAP BW

In our previous article, “8 Things to Know when Considering Integrating MicroStrategy with SAP BW,” we highlighted the key points behind the MicroStrategy / SAP BW integration. In this article, we expand on that topic and share implementation best practices for those companies who have made the decision to make the MicroStrategy / SAP BW […]

8 Things to Know When Considering Integrating MicroStrategy with SAP BW

Are you considering using MicroStrategy to report directly against data in SAP BW? Are you finding it difficult to get straight answers to simple questions about how the integration works? Our experts have put together the following eight facts to help you better understand what is possible and how the integration works. 1. MicroStrategy connects […]