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Dave Scheele

Blogs from this Author

Creating a SharePoint Web Part – Step by Step: Part 2 – Build Functionality

In the article Creating a SharePoint Web Part – Step by Step: Part 1 – Initial Deveopment, we created a "shell" or "skeleton" web part, installed it, and dropped it onto a SharePoint portal page, confirming that it rendered correctly. As we mentioned in that article, that initial coding and deployment seems to be the […]

MMC Services and MSC File Names

As I continue to learn how to maximize my efforts when working on servers and workstations, I try to stay in the command line interface world as much as possible. In doing so, I’ve created this helpful table of common utilities I need to run – and their MSC file to execute them. The easiest […]

Virtualization Products Today

I’ve had some exposure to work with some of the virtualiztion products recently and I thought a blog depicting how they compare would be helpful to those not as familiar with the variety of products offered today and how they compare. The document attached addresses the subject of this blog. Happy reading. Mark Myers […]

Leveraging Command Line Utilities (CLU) to work with Active Directory — Part Two – LDIFDE

Leveraging Command Line Utilities (CLU) to work with Active Directory — Part Two – LDIFDE This is the second of a two-part series on managing and manipulating LDAP data structures. The easiest example of this is Microsoft’s Active Directory. This will be the directory structure I’ll use in this article. The intent of this article […]

Nokia E61. Microsoft Active Sync push email solution out of the box.

Today I am reviewing the Nokia E61. Why is this intertesting, why should PointBridge look this way? Microsoft Active Sync. True push email, calander, contacts from Exchange 2003 sp2. This is not vaporware like other Microsoft smarthphones. This is running and working, day one, out of the box. Most Microsoft WM5 devices still do not […]

How to troubleshoot direct push for mobile devices

At the very popular Exchange blog, they posted an article of how to troubleshoot direct push for Exchange and mobile devices.

Treo 700W MSFP now a go.

Treo 700w MSFP push email update now a go. Palm just posted the update on there site. Go get it. Includes Microsoft®’s Messaging and Security Feature Pack (MSFP) with Direct Push Technology¹ for automatic wireless synchronization of email, calendar, contacts and, now, tasks² (learn more) Enhances email capabilities for more support of push email […]

Visual studio 2005, Authentication and authorization using different combinations of roles and membership providers.

Introduction Here I want to share my experience in evaluating some of the new security features of .Net 2.0. The main two parts of security is authentication and authorization and in .Net we have brand new tools to automate this. There are a lot of very good tutorials and other material on but all […]

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