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Dave Scheele

Blogs from this Author

MySite Creation Error, the final chapter

So if you you have not been following this saga, please read these two blog postings to get you up to speed: My Site Creation Error MySite Creation Error, continued The short version was that Microsoft changed the supported architecture for MySites. Under SharePoint 2003, you could have the location of your MySites within the […]

Issues with One User Store, Two Ways to Log In Using Custom Membership Providers

Here are the requirements: One user store, Active Directory in this case. Internal users (on the corporate network either physically or via VPN) will use Integrated Windows Authentication (aka the little grey box) to log into SharePoint 2007 server. Since they are already logged into the network they are somewhat "trusted" users. External users (accessing […]

Strange Errors in SharePoint 2007 Server

We were seeing some strange event log errors in our MOSS 2007 installation. This install was a SharePoint 2003 install that was upgraded to MOSS 2007 Beta 2 and then to MOSS 2007 RTM code. I don’t think this had anything to do with the problem because I have heard that it was happening on […]

It’s the little things that make usability happen.

I went down yesterday to the Piraeus with Glaucon the son of Ariston, that I might offer up my prayers to the goddess; and also because I wanted to see in what manner they would celebrate the festival, which was a new thing. — Plato Using Windows Vista this week has been a new thing […]

Exchange 2007 Server Role Details and Comparison

This is a first of three parts designed to educate the reader on fundamental principles of Exchange 2007. Before any installation or upgrade can take place, solid understanding of fundamental technologies should be understood. This first part will describe the Exchange 2007 server roles and how they compare to their Exchange 2003 counter-parts. Exchange 2007 […]

Can I use multiple direct join rules on more than one attribute in MIIS

Can I use multiple direct join rules on more than one attribute in MIIS to improve my rate of Joins on existing accounts? This is an excellent question and idea and yes MIIS is capable of matching / joining on more than one attribute. This being said it must be remembered that "direct" join rules […]

Using a Parent disk and a Differencing disk can optimize your time to build a LAB when using Virtual Server 2005 R2

So how do you reduce the time it takes to build out complex lab environments? You may find it easier to build one Parent Disks for your OS i.e. Windows 2003 Server with SP1, and then save as a template or Parent disk. This will allow you to quickly build your lab without building a […]

Local Continuous Replication (LCR) with Exchange 2007

Local Continuous Replication is a method to provide a highly available solution for the Databases with a single server solution without the need to perform clustering. Its primary benefit is seen as providing for redundant copies of the database. In the event one copy of the database is corrupted and alternate copy can be manually […]

Updating mapi profiles

An example of updating mapi profiles from the command line. Using a tool I found online called, Outlook Profiler, The problem was this. This is a migration task to move the profile migrated from one mail server to another. On the back end to do the migration is Quest QMM, on the desktop was […]

HttpWebRequest with Client Certificate Authentication

The .NET Framework HttpWebRequest permits the developer to access resources on a server using the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. Some very secure systems, however, require a client X509 certificate as evidence to access resources. Setting this up in an ASP.NET application is not straightforward because the default ASP.NET service account has limited permissions and does […]

SQL Server 2005 Database Mirroring and MOSS 2007

A few months ago I was designing a MOSS 2007 infrastructure for a client who had originally intended to implement a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 solution, but based on their heavy reliance on forms and workflow discovered during Envisioning interviews, decided to take the plunge and use Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 instead. The product […]

Recursively Aggregating Postings from MCMS Channels

The structural relationship between channels in MCMS is hierarchical, with channels capable of containing both postings and other channels. Postings are "leaves" and channels are the "branches," just as are files and folders, respectively, in a file system. Although there are many possible semantic relationships between a parent channel and its subchannels, it is likely […]

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