Five Tips for Creating New Oracle Analytics Cloud Services (OACS) Instances Recently, I have been assisting customers with creating new Oracle PaaS instances – specifically OACS – and I have come up with a few tips for those new to the process. Tip #1: Keep a copy of the certificate pair you generate. PaaS instances […]
Cris Dunn
Cris Dunn is the manager of Perficient's EPM SupportNet practice which provides direct support for applications and infrastructure surrounding many organizations' EPM software implementations. He is also an Oracle University certified instructor and teaches everything around Essbase as well as the EPM installation and configuration classes. When he is not working, you will find Cris engaged in His church serving as the treasurer, musician, nursery worker, and, when necessary, toilet scrubber.
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Blogs from this Author
One script to back up your OACS Essbase Application
Oracle Analytics Cloud Service (Essbase) has a handy command line interface that’s useful for remote execution of Essbase and system type functions such as running a backup. This short article is simply a means to share a script that I use to run a simple Lifecycle Manager extract of one Essbase application. This works well […]
Moving a Member in an OACS Essbase Outline
Moving members in an Oracle Analytic Cloud Essbase outline is not as easy as it is in EAS Console. Here’s an overview of a not-so-genius method I found. Scenario: An account moves to a different parent. There is no move method in the OACS outline editor and if the account is shared elsewhere, we cannot […]
Vacation Planning for Hyperion Administrators
When planning an out-of-town vacation, do you diligently ensure that you have someone lined up to water your plants, feed your goldfish, and keep an eye on your home? What about your Hyperion environment? Do you hire a managed services provider to take care of your systems and watch over your applications while you are […]
Improve Your Essbase Calculation Capability
The Essbase Block Storage (BSO) database is a powerful calculation engine capable of executing oodles of formulae with very few lines of code. But there’s a catch. You need to learn how to do it right. A poorly written calculation in an Essbase BSO cube can yield some pretty spectacular results. Here are a few […]
Wanna[Cry|Scream|Belch] Ransomware
I breathed a sigh of relief last Friday when I learned that Microsoft had patched a vulnerability in March that was recently exploited by the WannaCrypt0r ransomware. I opt to have Windows OS updates installed automatically on my workstation so I was protected before the ransomware poked through the crust from the bowels of its […]
RMM’ing Your EPM Systems
Do you like being awakened by a phone call from an unfriendly manager because a system you are responsible for has failed? Do you enjoy a good old-fashioned scolding by an executive because a financial system you support is running so slow that the user community has become unproductive? Do you have so much time […]
A Better Way to Analyze Your Logs
At Perficient, our SupportNet team uses a variety of tools for analyzing logs across the Oracle applications. There are a number of different file formats, which often makes parsing logs troublesome. We have adopted use of regular expressions to help parse the variety of formats that we have to routinely analyze. “A regular expression (regex […]
Smart View Released
Smart View was released on Friday and brings a few new anticipated features. Here is a recap from the patch readme: You can now insert Planning forms as charts into Microsoft PowerPoint, giving you a graphical display of the information in the form. The Oracle Journals extension now supports opening Oracle Hyperion Financial Management […]
Mulling Ransomware – Eye-Opening Cybersecurity Statistics
Cisco recently released their Annual Cybersecurity report for 2017, which revealed several statistics I thought were real eye openers. You can pick up a copy here: Of the major findings in this document, I consider a few quite concerning, in particular: “Spam accounts for nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of total email volume… about 8 percent […]
How to Monitor Essbase Database Fragmentation
Fragmentation of Essbase block storage databases occurs as a result of routine data changes, data loads, and calculations. Essbase has two database statistics that measure database fragmentation: the average clustering ratio and the average fragmentation quotient. Check out this article from the Oracle Customer Engineering & Advocacy Lab for a more thorough description of BSO […]
How Cloud Adoption Could Spur a Rise in Coworking
Coworking is a style of work where an employee shares a working environment with others who are typically not employed by the same organization. This style of work is attractive to independent contractors, work-at-home professionals, and others who often work in relative isolation. I expect to see a rise in rural coworking as more companies […]