Have you ever try changing the look and feel of your my site beyond the master page? It is not the easiest of tasks. I did some my site work for a client and the requirements were as follows: Create a web part to edit custom properties. Provision said web part on four pages and […]
Blogs from this Author
You are not the person.aspx I thought you were!
I am referring to the person.aspx page that lives in the MySite host. I figured this would be a page that has a few web parts on it and little or no code behind. Boy was I wrong! My colleague Amol posted a blog about how to add navigation to your MySite. Amol’s post should […]
I’m not afraid of Ghosts
I have a client that I am doing an upgrade from SharePoint 2003 to 2007. My client has over one thousand unghosted pages. These unghosted pages are a result from creating their team sites using FrontPage. Instead of manually resetting all of the site definitions I developed a small console application that I ran after […]
Customizing a Content Query Web Part – Part I
A simple way to avoid using CAML queries to sort content query web part data is to add the column you want to sort on to the web part sort and group drop downs, this is done by adding the following property to your .webpart file: <property name="AdditionalGroupAndSortFields" type="string">{field name}</property> Field name is not as […]
Dynamic Workflow Tasks with Dependencies
Overview The following workflow example is something that I developed to manage tasks that need to be completed for the new employee hiring process. My example will assume that you have some knowledge of SharePoint 2007 and have at the very minimum gone through the following blog:http://weblog.vb-tech.com/nick/archive/2006/09/04/1753.aspx. Scenario There is a list of tasks that […]
How to determine which Web Part is being processed in the ContentQueryMain.xsl
I came across this issue trying to change the ContentQuery web part’s orientation from vertical to horizontal. The issue was I needed to branch in the first template within the ContentQueryMain.xsl on the style of the web part. I noticed that the style is not available until OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate when the for each loop goes through […]