We’re just now finishing up the holiday season. At this time of year, I’m always intrigued by the magic of the holidays we celebrate, and the optimistic goals we set for the new year. Even the lies we tell ourselves. It amazes me how we collectively like to suspend reality for a bit, reflect, and […]
Blogs from this Author
Consensus – The Slippery Slope of Success
Consensus is most simply defined as a general agreement. Some definitions may include the phrases “broad agreement” or “unanimous”, but a tempered meaning is the acceptance of an idea. There are very few things in life that have a single right answer. And with such diversity in the world, you’ll almost never end up with […]
Fail Like a Pro – How to Plan for and Recover from Failure
Success and failure – just like hot and cold, light and darkness, love and hate, or good and evil – these represent the ends of a familiar spectrum. Countless philosophical works have pondered these seemingly opposing concepts. My favorite view for all such opposites is that you cannot understand one without the other. They are […]
Tough Conversations – Addressing Things Head On
I’ve always had an intrapreneurial spirit in the jobs I’ve held. In some roles, I have been given autonomy with the ability to set North Star goals and chase them. In other roles, I’ve found myself building up consensus and bubbling ideas upward. This has involved some tough conversations. If you’ve checked my other blog […]
The Innovation Wildcard – Surprise Yourself!
An innovation wildcard is a team member who is there to add a unique perspective that the rest of the team may not have. This person can be within the organization or pulled from outside. They may have deep expertise in other areas, or they may be new and more likely to question everything. Innovation […]
Public Speaking Tips from an Introvert
I was sitting in the front row of a large conference room with 150+ colleagues behind me. I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me while I was waiting for my turn to get on stage and speak. I’m an introvert and hated public speaking. Butterflies in my stomach. Sweaty palms. Why do I […]
Unleashing Creativity through Constraints
When you hear the word “constraints,” what creative images and stories does your mind conjure up? The word often leads people toward negative thoughts of confinement, limitations, obstacles, or not getting what you want. With this article, though, I want to talk about useful constraints and how they can encourage creativity and innovation. Common Views […]
The Pain of Honest Evaluations
People are funny. We reason with ourselves that we want the truth, but we prove time and again that we prefer being lied to. If your gut reaction to that statement is defiance, there is a strong chance that you’re lying to yourself about your own emotions. This article isn’t about the psychology of our […]
6 Idea Blockers – Psychology of Innovation
The psychology of innovation is like any other area of life where our brains and emotions simply get in the way of our progress. We love to lie to ourselves. Even when we are aware of the pitfalls, they are unavoidable. Our brains are wired to fall into these traps. I recently wrote a blog […]
It’s Probably My Fault – Always Assume the Problem is Yours
It was 2002 when I landed what I considered to be my first real professional job. I was hired by a small advertising agency as a graphic designer, though I mainly got the offer because I also knew how to build websites. At the time, I had not created any principles and would still often […]
The Problem with “We Should”
“We Should” is Said a Lot I’ve worked at a handful of companies throughout my career. If you split the years out, half of my time has been working within an agency and the other half has been in-house. The agency work has allowed me to see dozens of other companies as well. I’ve been […]
The Eisenhower Quadrants of Productivity
I’ve been using the Eisenhower Quadrants of Productivity with my teams for many years now. You may also hear it called the “Eisenhower Decision Matrix” or the “Eisenhower Box”. It is a method that helps people understand the differences between “urgent” and “important” tasks. You can use it to create principles on how to best […]