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Brian Ball

Blogs from this Author

Windows Phone 8 Day 2 — The Development Environment

This is the second part in this blog series detailing my experience writing my first Windows Phone 8 (WP8) application. In Day 1, I decided what the application will be — a ToDo application — and set up my development environment. Now I need to get myself familiar with the world of WP8. I could start off […]

My First Windows Phone 8 Application — Day 1

For a few years, like many people, I had a Blackberry that was issued for work. It was OK, though I didn’t use it for much more than e-mail, calendar, phone calls, and the occasional web browsing. When BYOD was becoming popular, I went out and got my own Droid X — the popular Android […]

Productivity Tips: Windows 7

There are copious amounts of blog posts where people talk about their favorite shortcuts, but I haven’t heard anyone complain about it, so I’m going to add one of my own. Actually, I’m going to write an entire series! This post will focus on Windows shortcuts. This involves shortcuts you can use pretty much anywhere […]

Exploring C#: Literals

This is the first post in a new series called “Exploring C#”. The purpose of this series is to explore areas of the language, and the .NET framework in general, that are very useful, easily overlooked, or that I perceive are not well known. Virtually all applications have literals in them. It is best practice […]

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