After a successful implementation of Oracle EBTax, a company still faces the challenge of maintaining the solution. Changes in tax rates and tax rules will require additional configuration and testing and could even require additional design depending on the tax rule changes. And many tax jurisdictions around the globe are raising tax rates and/or taxing […]
April Stooksberry

Blogs from this Author
11i to R12 Upgrade: Impact for Tax [Part IV-Considerations]
This is the final part of a series discussing impacts for tax processing when upgrading from 11i to R12. Part IV will identify some issues and considerations of the tax upgrade. Because of the new data structures, tax lines associated with migrated transactions need to include data values for the new data structures and are […]
11i to R12 Upgrade: Impact for Tax [Part III-Naming Logic]
This is the third part of a series discussing impacts for tax processing when upgrading from 11i to R12. Part III will identify naming characteristics and potential issues of migrated tax components. The migration programs incorporate a naming convention for 11i components to fit into the R12 structures. Regime naming is based on the Operating […]
11i to R12 Upgrade: Impact for Tax [Part II-Receivables]
This is the second part of a series discussing impacts for tax processing when upgrading from 11i to R12. Part II will address how Receivables tax components are migrated. Tax Codes and Tax Groups in 11i Receivables will be migrated in the same manner as those in 11i Payables. A Regime will be created for […]
Why are valid addresses so important to tax in R12?
In the throes of a big ERP implementation of Oracle R12 and evaluating business processes and key features, it is easy to overlook the importance of valid addresses for customer sites, supplier sites, and internal locations. Obviously, a valid address is important for physical logistics when identifying a location for delivery or shipment of goods […]
11i to R12 Upgrade: Impact for Tax [Part I-Procurement]
This is the first part of a series discussing the impacts for tax configurations and processing when upgrading from 11i to R12. Part I will address how Procurement tax components are migrated. Part II will address how Receivables tax components are migrated. Part III will identify migration challenges and issues. Tax data structures and technical […]
We’ve Gone Global. Or Have We?
I am in beautiful, sunny Florida attending the Vertex Exchange conference with 300 or so other tax technology folks. The people attending this conference are mostly tax managers and tax analysts from companies that are based in the US but may operate around the globe. I was discussing certain challenges I encountered recently on a project […]
To EBtax or Not to EBtax …
With Oracle R12 applications, indirect tax (sales, use, VAT) functionality has been transformed from independent and simplistic setups within a few applications to a centralized tax service or engine. Initially, that sounds great! Especially to those of us who have tried to implement tax complexities with limited features in 11i. Dig in and what you […]