Perficient is comprised of nearly 4,500 colleagues worldwide. Individually and collectively, we’re big believers in giving back to the communities where we live and work. At the end of a challenging year, we are excited to announce Perficient’s “Make a December Difference,” a campaign to spread kindness and joy through thousands of acts of generosity.
I spoke with Tom Hogan, chief operating officer, and Andrea Lampert, vice president of people, to discuss the effort and what they hope to achieve.

Tom Hogan, Chief Operating Officer, Perficient
Tom and Andrea, thanks for taking the time to discuss this special project. Tell me, why a ‘Campaign of Kindness?’ Why now?
Tom: As we reflect on the past year, it’s truly unlike any year we’ve ever had. Fortunately, Perficient has been able to thrive despite the challenges we’ve all faced. We have our customers, our partners, and our colleagues to thank for our success. Given our good fortune, we knew we had an opportunity to make a difference and spread goodwill.
That is where the idea for “Make a December Difference” was born.
I have been personally inspired by our colleagues and their determination to continue helping one another and their communities. We wanted to tap into that sentiment and pay it forward as we close out the year.
Andrea: Agreed. As we started looking at our end of the year activities – a time when we typically would be gathering to celebrate one another and our successes – we began asking ourselves what we could do to give back in a big way while putting our colleagues in the driver’s seat. Perficient has always been philanthropic, and our people have always been generous and passionate in their local community engagement efforts. We knew there would be no one better to help us make a difference and scale our giving efforts like never before. We’re giving each of our global colleagues $100 with one simple request – do something kind for someone else. Together, we’re granting nearly $500,000 to those in our communities in need.
That’s a really inspiring idea – making a difference through thousands of small acts of generosity. What do you hope to see our colleagues do with the money, and what do you hope to achieve?
Tom: That’s the beauty behind giving our colleagues the power to pay it forward on their terms – they can make decisions that are personal to them. We want them to do something good with their $100 and spread kindness by giving it away to someone in need or a cause that’s meaningful to them. That could unfold in immeasurable ways. Colleagues could pay for someone’s groceries, donate to their favorite nonprofit, tip a delivery driver, or participate in an adopt-a-family program during the holiday season. The possibilities are endless. I’m really excited to see the creativity and energy unfold.
Andrea: We hope that these single acts of giving and gratitude leave individual marks, but we don’t want this to be contained to just Perficient. We want to inspire others to keep the kindness going. It doesn’t have to be $100, it doesn’t even have to be monetary. We believe simple, every day acts of kindness can make the world a nicer, brighter, and better place, and it requires each of us taking the effort to make a difference.
Tom: I liken it to the ripple effect from a drop of water. One act can lead to another and another. We truly can make an impact on a global scale.
Read More: Perficient Inspires Kindness with Make a December Difference
We’ve acknowledged that this year has presented some unique challenges to businesses and individuals. How is Perficient able to take on an effort like ‘Make a December Difference’ given the circumstances?

Andrea Lampert, Vice President of People, Perficient
Tom: To put it in the simplest of terms, our colleagues fuel our success. Yes, this year has presented its fair share of uncertainties and challenges, but Perficient perseveres because of the critical, intelligent, and cutting-edge work our colleagues are bringing to the table each and every day. Our clients have trusted in us, in our people, to help them navigate the challenges of this year. That trust and resilience allows us to make a difference.
Andrea: We take pride in everything we do, and our success this year is no exception. Our “Make a December Difference” is a celebration of what we’ve been able to achieve together despite the adversities, and we’re paying it forward in ways that are personal while making a lasting impact in our communities.
This truly a humbling effort to take part in. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Andrea: I’m relatively new at Perficient but this is one of the more inspirational things I’ve been a part of – and to be able to do this at the end of such a challenging year makes it even more special. I’m really excited about this effort, and I hope our colleagues share in that excitement.
Tom: Definitely. Perficient’s success is because of our colleagues, and I’m so proud to be affiliated with 4,500 likeminded colleagues around the world who are paying it forward. I can’t wait to see what December has in store for all our colleagues and our communities.
Now, how will you make a December Difference?
Perficient are big believers in giving back to the communities in which we live and work, and we have the opportunity to empower our colleagues to pay it forward and spread some much-needed joy. It’s our hope that these single acts of giving and gratitude leave individual marks on the communities in which we live and work. Together, we have an opportunity to make a global impact.
Learn more about the “Make a December Difference” campaign of kindness
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