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IBM Think: Journey To AI Part 2

Watson and Cloud

David Kenny, SVP of IBM in Watson and Cloud

Three things to think about:

Reimagine your workflows

  1. Enterprise version of AI needs to deal with security, transparency, etc. IBM works with Salesforce, Workday, and Box.
  2. Want to make it easier for every developer. That why we extend Watson Services with Apple CoreML

Learns more with less data

IBM now has a deep learning service to let you learn just on your own data. We understand that some will not go to the cloud. You can train on the cloud but then run Watson in your own private data center.

Protects your insights

Everything is secure from the ground up.

Who is using Watson?

Orange Bank Case Study

Andre Coisne, CEO of Orange Bank.

Their chatbot has 96,000 conversation a month. They provide a variety of services including Orange Money. They were tasked to start a new bank that was mobile first.

Andre: Our AI is Jingo. It’s the customers first point of contact with the bank. It handle a long list of needs. It’s the entry point. It’s the most effective agent and never sleeps. If it can’t handle the request, the client is transferred seamlessly to a live agent.

This is made possible because of the connection between Salesforce and Watson. It’s a deep integration.

IBM: Tell us about the training experience.

Andre: Jingo is learning fast. in the last four months, we fed Watson with all the data and we feed it a new list every week.

IBM: What’s next

Andre: We acquired 100,000 clients in four months. This week we are launching our consumer credit product. By using AI we can work with clients in the credit product. This morning, he asked Jingo if he wanted to come to Vegas but he said he prefers to play chess.

Workday Case Study

Barbry McGann, Workday

IBM has been an incredible partner with 300 joint workday customers.

Announcement: Workday is expanding the partnership to include IBM Watson Services

Barbry: we think this will underpin the next aspect of how people work. We providing the next generation of software who remembers and learns things. We want you to create moments that count for your business. We want to use AI to automate processes and

IBM: Where will the first value come?

Barbry: we are opening up our application so our partners can add new functionality and create better ways for people to work. It starts with our workday media cloud.  Now, our customers can automatically create transcripts and create close captioning video with IBM Watson.  Watson will also help catalog and curate the catalog.

It’s just the beginning. Workday will have more to announce at Workday Rising in September.


Aaron Levie, Cofounder and Chairman of Box

Aaron: companies use box to manage, secure, and use data in the system. But files have a huge amount of knowledge in a system. How do we help our customer get access to this knowledge. We are using Watson to begin to structure all of this and help automate all of these business processes.

IBM: How do you make this secure. How do you keep this within the walls of the company

Aaron: We partner with Watson. We give our customers complete control over what to use and only use it for their data.  It’s not shared with anyone else.

IBM: What excites you?

Aaron: take an insurance claims process. It used to be very manual to tag all the forms, pictures, etc in claims.  Now it could be put in Box and automatically categorized.

We are already working with customers in Alpha with a capability called Skills. We partner with IBM for it.

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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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