To implement complex business logic, Datastage designer allows us to create custom defined routines to implement it. A parallel routine provides us features to use external functionality written in C/C++ code to use in Datastage. Even though Datastage has most of the essential functions available, routines are very helpful to create custom functions for a very specific logic. In this blog, I will show you the implementation of routines to remove special characters.
- C++ code to remove special characters
2. C++ Compilers- eg GCC in UNIX
3. Change the settings in DS Administration.
InfoSphere Datastage Administration –> Properties –> General –> Environment –> Compiler –> APT_COMPILER/APT_COMPILEOPT
Steps to create Routines:
1. Compile the C++ function in UNIX and create the object file. Make sure to compile using the same compile command which you have in the Datastage administrator for your project. Please note: we need to compile the code without MAIN() Function
g++ -fpic -c spec_char_new.c
To create a shared object
g++ -shared -o spec_char_new.o
2. Create a parallel routine in Datastage:
File>New>Routines>Parallel Routine
Fill all the required values as:
Routine Name: Any name with just alphanumeric characters only.
External subroutine name: Name of the C function which we want to invoke
Type: External Function
Object Type: Library /Object
Return Type: Return type of the C function (For string function, specify as char*)
Library path: Library name with complete path
Here I have used a Sequential file as input and output. We need a transformer stage to use a parallel routine to call the external function in job.
In the Transformer stage, Right Click > DS_Routines>< Routine Name> call the routine
E.g : specialchar(%InStr%)
Sample Input:
We can reuse the same routine anywhere in the project to remove special character by calling it in a transformer.
Is this routine thread-safe?
Thanks , I followed your code and code is working fine. Thanks Again.