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3 Ways the Self-Monitoring Machine is Changing Society

Few things encapsulate the growth of humanity as that of the modern home. Even though the building of homes hasn’t changed on the outside, the rise of IoT, mobile, and the cloud have transformed what happens on the inside. Even the ability to gauge your home’s air conditioning when you aren’t inside is an innovation now available to anyone with a smartphone.

These devices have many designations, including that of “self-monitoring” and provide everyday citizens newfound capabilities for managing their assets never before seen. With so much data being created, let’s explore just how much the self-monitoring machine will change society.

  1. The Increase of Productivity: One area of extreme interest lately is the arrival of the self-driving car, which we’ve documented in detail here. As self-monitoring machines, the self-driving car will provide critical information for drivers in their quest to maintain their vehicles and keep them on tip-top shape. Furthermore, the automation of vehicles will also allow drivers to be more productive while on the road.
  2. AI Lends a Hand: Even though smartphones have permeated the consumer consciousness, we still don’t feel like our lives have become simpler. Solutions like IBM Watson provide potential paths towards the stress alleviation that technology has promised and self-monitoring machines can keep everyone on track as they seek to accomplish their goals.
  3. Product Development: Product management is a growing field among those looking for work, but the stakes are about to change. In the past, products were developed on the surveying and interest levels of consumers, but self-monitoring machines will change that by tapping into user behavior and analytics. There might be a day where we’ll look at survey groups as a thing of the past.

What do you think of self-monitoring machines and their societal impact? Let us know in the comments below.

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Albert Qian

Albert Qian is a Marketing Manager at Perficient for our IBM PCS, DevOps, and Enterprise Solutions Partners focused on cloud computing technologies.

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