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Office 365 – Office ProPlus C2R Not Compatible With MSI Installs

During a session at Microsoft Ignite, I heard a presenter mention that running MSI-installed versions Office products such as Visio and Project was not compatible with the “Click-to-Run” deployment of Office 365 ProPlus.
This was something I sort of stored in the memory banks with the intention of researching. One thing I did know was that I was running that exact configuration, MSI-installed versions of Visio and Project and Office 365 ProPlus. It had me wondering what the issues were at what exactly didn’t work.
While Microsoft Ignite was close to three months ago, I still have a laundry list of items that I’m following up on or sessions that I still plan to watch. The above issue wasn’t really a priority on my research list, until now…

Recently I uninstalled Office 365 ProPlus (from my corporate laptop) and when I went to reinstall it, I was greeted with the error below:
The “additional help” link goes to a KB article referencing the incompatibility: “Side-by-side installations of MSI and Click-to-Run versions of Office 2013 are not supported
Given that this same installation previously worked, it looks like something has changed and the installation logic now includes a check that stops you from deploying the unsupported configuration.
Something to be aware of when looking to deploy ProPlus in an organization that may have other products such as Visio and Project in use.
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Thoughts on “Office 365 – Office ProPlus C2R Not Compatible With MSI Installs”

  1. This is a pretty big issue that they really need to do something to fix, especially when MS sold people software without ever mentioning this and then the “solution” to the technical issue is to license more Online stuff to be able to continue to use software you’ve already paid for.

  2. we are currently having a nightmare with the same error message above, except it lists NO conflicting products – just a blank space area in place of Visio and Project in your example!

  3. This sucks. we have office 365 installed and cannot install the Visio 213 or 2016 that are bought and pid for. Microsoft appears to have created this problem to push their monthly subscription service and we are looking at $15/moth to now use Visio with Office 365 installed.
    We like the 365 service and hate to have to give it up. just to install software that we own. is there any relief in sight?

  4. Ben-
    You should be able to use MSI versions of Visio as long as they are not the same edition as ProPlus. So if you have Visio 2013, you can use it with the 2016 version of ProPlus.

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