At IBM InterConnect Dev@ keynotes, IBM announced it would be providing a local version of IBM BlueMix. This is a very interesting development. To date, there have only been two providers of private cloud CloudFoundry vendor supported products. With the addition of local BlueMix, customers now have a third option for private cloud CloudFoundry, but also leverage the hosted BlueMix version.
This opens up some interesting scenarios for customers looking to use the cloud, but are not sure exactly how they want to deploy. Now they can use IBM’s public BlueMix for development and testing and then deploy to production on their own private cloud. Likewise, having both versions available allows customers to move their application to the public BlueMix when they need to scale beyond their current compute resources and move the workload to resource availability.
Of note, IBM’s public BlueMix version offers availability of a number of value services for data storage, data management, security, etc. These services most likely won’t be available for customers using local BlueMix. This means that it’s likely, at least in the short term, that local BlueMix’s advantages will be limited to services that leverage standard and common APIs.
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