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Life at Perficient

Wisdom and The Tao of Commuting

Waking up early. Grabbing breakfast on the run. Sitting in traffic every…single…day. It’s pure, unadulterated bliss.
Just as I can count on the sun waking me in the east every morning, I am equally reliant on my morning & evening commutes to center me and provide me an hour of personal growth that would be hard to otherwise squeeze into my day.
When you shut the door to your car or insert your earbuds as you jump on the subway, you enter a private chamber where you can escape to a world of learning and growth.
My favorite learning portal is Stitcher, where I have a big list of 55 podcasts that I cycle through, rinse, and repeat.
Whatever you are interested in, there is a podcast that can inspire you. During your commute, you can learn about new apps, hacks or books. You will find your mind journeying to places that it otherwise wouldn’t go to and you will find answers to some of your most troubling personal and professional issues.
You don’t need to travel to Bali to find yourself, you just need a pair of earbuds.

Here are some of my favorites:

Tim Ferriss ShowThe Tim Ferriss Show
Tim Ferriss is the author of The 4-Hour Workweek. In his podcast, he talks about a wide-range of topics that can inspire you to use your time effectively.
Radiolab blurs the boundries between science, philosophy and human experience and the way that it does it is a bit like audio painting. The way that it presents the information is as interesting as the information it presents.
Ari MeiselAri Meisel – Less Doing
Make sure you have evernote open when you listen to this podcast because the number of tips, apps and hacks that are provided continues to amaze me. Ari Meisel will teach you how to optimize, automate and outsource your life.
nprNPR: Hourly News Summary
Don’t have time to read all of the day’s news? This 5-minute podcast refreshes every hour so that you can quickly grab the day’s biggest headlines.
freakonomicsFreakonomics Radio
Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner have done an extraordinary job in opening up the secrets behind virtually everything. The way that they present economics is nothing like what you learned in Econ 101.
work talkThe Work Talk Show
DJ Waldow and Nick Westergaard sit down every week to talk about different ways of getting work done. If you are always trying to improve your work life, this is a great place to start.
I’m sure there are some great podcasts out there that I have yet to discover. What am I missing?

Follow Perficient’s Life at Perficient blog on Twitter via @PerficientLife.
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