I am feeling good today and I invite you to read below and smile along with me.
[su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]All tests pass as written on Sitecore 7.1 Update 1. Isolation provided by Sitecore.FakeDb[/su_note]
The Stage
public class LanguageQuirksTest { private const string LanguageWithNoName = @""; private class SmartDataProvider : DataProvider { // can't create an abstract DataProvider } }
There Is A Language With No Name
[Test] public void ThereIsALanguageWithNoName() { LanguageManager.IsValidLanguageName(LanguageWithNoName) .Should() .BeTrue("Of course there's a language with no name"); }
A Language With No Name Has No Name
[Test] public void ALanguageWithNoNameHasNoName() { var language = Language.Parse(LanguageWithNoName); language.Should().NotBeNull("Sitecore knows there's a language with no name"); language.Name.Should().BeEmpty("A language with no name has no name. Of course!"); }
Is There Really A Language With No Name?
[Test] public void LanguageSwitcherDoesNotAgreeWithLanguageManager() { Action create = () => new LanguageSwitcher(LanguageWithNoName); create.ShouldThrow<InvalidOperationException>("Nope, there isn't. Sorry buddy."); }
I Default To English
[Test] public void GlobalsDefaultsToUs() { Globals.Load(); Globals.DefaultCulture.Name.Should().Be("en-US", "We are in US"); Globals.DefaultCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.Should().Be("en", "And of course we speak English"); } [Test] public void SettingsDefaultsToEn() { Settings.DefaultLanguage.Should().Be("en", "English is the world language"); Settings.ClientLanguage.Should().Be("en", "Did I tell you that English is the world language?"); }
I Default To English and American English
[Test] public void DataProviderKnowsOfTwoLanguages() { var provider = new SmartDataProvider(); var context = new CallContext(new DataManager(Database.GetDatabase("master")), 0); LanguageCollection languages = provider.GetLanguages(context); languages.Should().HaveCount(2); languages.Should().Contain(Language.Parse("en"), "English is the world language"); languages.Should().Contain(Language.Parse("en-US"), "Wait... and so is American English!"); languages.Should().NotContain(Language.Parse(LanguageWithNoName), "... sorry buddy"); }