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Digital Transformation

A Digital IBM’er

@ChrisCrummey is IBM social evangelist and he gives a great presentation. He shows us what an IBM’er in in the digital world

A digital IBM’er is smart, social, and secure. He or she has no office, employes next generation employees, and has a more informal voice

Note: IBM CIO says

  • IBM to become the preeminent social enterprise
  • Social will become the new production and IBM’ers will be measure on how much you share
  • Steven Mills refers to social as the collective intelligence
  • The customer experience is tied directly to employee engagement
  • The Wisdom of the crowds can figure it out.  The average of a query for how many jelly beans in a jar came up with a number off by just 4 jelly beans.

By Role

  • Employees: make my job easier. share documents without email.
  • HR: figure out who is important by digital repuation, by sales recognition, who can get a new employee up to speed?
  • Line of business: how to find out what makes aperson successful and how to share
  • Executive: using video blogs, blogs, micro-blogs, as a massive communication channel

Aha moments:

  • I’m as smart as the experts but five minutes later
  • While I was sleeping my network was working for me
  • Tripped on this knowledge nugget. Helped the customer right away and made me look like a god.
  • Note that the value comes from the consumption of the content.  That’s why IBM’s CEO does video blogs and sponsors the knowledge academy.

What are the key key use cases for social?

  1. Expertise locator
  2. Sales Connect
  3. Customer Collaboration

Here’s a video of Chris so you understand who he is.  He’s better in person, make more jokes.

What is Chris Crummey’s day in the life look like?

  1. Look at my feeds which consist of news for everyone, his news, and thoughts on getting connected with others.
  2. Any search finds people, applications, and content.  It’s a slick way to do faceted search.  It’s also fully responsive and works on desktop, tablet, or smart phone
  3. Chris spends part of his day in his Notes version 9 client.  Email is trying to move away from being a notification engine and move towards being an on ramp to the social system.  He can invite a sender to his social network, search for tweets, show collaboration history with the sender, and look for content he has created within their intranet.
    1. Email also supports live text within the email body so # and @ are translated to twitter.
    2. Keywords give them one click to key applications.
    3. Names are recognized and lets you look up that person in twitter, linked in, and IBM Connections
    4. Accept invitations directly from email.  (email is now the entry point without even entering.
    5. Also lets you participate in comments on an uploaded document.
    6. It’s not a notification of something posted somewhere else, it’s an interactive conversation within email
    7. See what others are doing via the embedded profile card
  4. IBM just updated Profiles and added new features. Every single change focused on getting enough information to find an expert.  It includes external social networks, industry expertise, key clients, what I’m known for, who I report to, other tags, etc.
  5. Chris shares ALL his files in Social Files.  This allows him to just point people in the right direction. It also lets him see who viewed, who reshared, who downloaded, and who wants notifications.  It’s a great way to understand what you create that people find of value.
  6. Working in the cloud.   He chats with Microsoft Lync users within his Sametime instant messaging client
    1. Does single sign on from IBM’s intranet to their SmartCloud social tool.
    2. Then shares files and tasks externally
    3. He uses his iPad to access almost all of this via apps or in some cases links.  Email actually opens up social links in the IBM Connections app vs a browser
    4. He can pull files down and then use them on iPad to present.  (not a big deal, just shows the mobile capability)
    5. Submits and/or approves workflow in Connections
    6. and attends meetings from mobile. (e.g. web conferences)

So what’s the Bottom Line?

Chris’ whole point is that these tools make his life easier and allows him to be productive from any location on many different devices.  I think it’s compelling how Chris gets the social aspect and makes that part of his life.


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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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