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Exposed two interface for Oracle BPEL application

Sometimes, OSB call BPEL application need to use SOA-direct protocol. But while you use this protocol, you can’t debug and test your BPEL application in the enterprise manager (EM), because direct binding interface disabled the “Test” button in the EM. Can we use SOA-direct protocol for OSB call to BPEL and also debug the BPEL application in EM directly?

Scenario: A client required using SOA-direct protocol from OSB call to BPEL and user can debug and test the BPEL application in EM directly.

Solution: we can use direct binding adapter and web service adapter together in BPEL application for implementing the functions. Here are the steps below:


1)      Create a test BPEL in the composite.xml file, by default, it will generate a web service WSDL and web service interface exposed to external client to invoke. Let’s name WSDL file and web service interface “testbpel.wsdl” and “testbpel_WebService”

2)      Drag a direct binding adapter from component palette to the Exposed Service line, choose the “testbpel.wsdl”, then named it “testBPEL_DService”

3)      Drag the “testBPEL_DService” interface to the BPEL interface point which is tied with the web service interface together already.  (These two external interface need to tied with BPEL together, don’t separate them)

4)      After your BPEL application code finished, compile the BPEL and deploy to the SOA server, you will find “Test” button is available in the EM for this BPEL application.

5)      In the OSB business service, the protocol need to select SOA-direct and URI need to use t3:// for the direct binding call.


PS: Please drag Web Service interface and Direct Service interface tie to the same BPEL interface point, don’t tie to the BPEL interface point separately, or it will always get an server error. Because there will not be two client in test BPEL.bpel file.

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