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Customer Experience and Design

Intelligence Goes Mobile

I want to discuss how easy it has become to take desktop applications to the floor of HIMSS 2012.

Health BI is a comprehensive healthcare analytics solution with over 600 key performance indicators, ONC certification for Meaningful Use and a real-time intelligence engine that reevaluates patient compliance each time the data is refreshed. This was developed as a desktop application. With a large monitor and a powerful computer, this solution sings. My surprise is running this on a tablet.

A colleague dropped off a Windows 8 developer tablet. We hooked this to our Wi-Fi and we were off to the races. After spending about 15 minutes learning the nuances of Windows 8, I am able to use 100% of the functionality of a sophisticated desktop application on a tablet that I can walk around and use.

I can see shift supervisors, triage and admissions staff using a mobile data entry device to improve patient safety, customer satisfaction and data accuracy. This kind of mobility is very intelligent.

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Mike Jenkins

Mike Jenkins has over 25 years of experience architecting, developing, and implementing solutions for organizations in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Mike is experienced in healthcare, finance, defense, manufacturing, training, and retail industries. Some of Mike’s healthcare projects include: developing a core measures proactive monitoring system; developing an eHealth strategy for a growing community hospital; implementing transparent pricing and outcomes measurement solutions; automating clinical and administrative tasks through forms automation; connecting multiple healthcare systems through a common patient portal; and developing an electronic medical record application. He designed the Physician’s Portal and Secure Messaging Product for one of the top-five vendors in clinical information systems. His application development experience includes Amalga, CPOE, Clinical Portals, Patient Portals, Secure Messaging, HIM, Interoperability, and NEDSS for State level health departments. He is a Project Management Professional (PMP), a Certified Rational Consultant (RMUC), a LEAN Black Belt, and a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS). He is fluent in most methodologies and teaches the PMP Certification course in Atlanta.

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