As I have pointed out in these series, traditional assumptions about Business Intelligence have dramatically evolved with the move towards predictive analytics on the fly and rapid growth of mobile tablets as a legitimate platform for advanced analytics. As a result of this transition, corporations are focusing more on creating comprehensive collaborative decision environments that bring BI, Portal and the CRM worlds together on a mobile cloud! Since the emphasis of these buyers is on all-encompassing technology packaged stacks and applications, BI software vendors are thinking more in terms of creating a complete, collaborative experience rather than stand-alone apps boasting of working on a cloud somewhere!
In 2010 Forrester released an interesting research where the authors had made some fascinating strategic planning assumptions, as outlined below:
- By 2013, 33% of business intelligence functionality will be consumed via handheld devices.
- By 2014, 30% of analytic applications will use in-memory functions to add scale and computational speed.
- By 2014, 30% of analytic applications will use proactive, predictive and forecasting capabilities.
- By 2014, 40% of spending on business analytics will go to system integrators, not software vendors.
- By 2013, 15% of BI deployments will combine BI, collaboration and social software into decision-making environments.
In less than a year, it seems like all of these predictions and assumptions are on their way to becoming a reality! More and more of our clients are now looking to invest big $$ in bringing on board system integrators (like us!) who can effectively create and deploy collaborative, integrated environments that bring together the BI, Portal, CRM mobile worlds by leveraging sophisticated stacks from vendors like IBM, Oracle, SAP, or Microsoft – technology stacks that can help create the next-gen ”real-time-big data-analytics-mobile enterprises”.
Previous Entries:
Emerging Trends in Analytics – Part III