I just had a white paper published on IBM DeveloperWorks that shows how to implement a Dojo DataGrid within WebSphere Portal. Here ia link to the article titled: Implementing a Dojo dataGrid in IBM WebSphere Portal applications.
In the whitepaper, I show you how to create a basic grid using an ItemFileWriteStore. I also discuss advanced formatting of columns in the grid along with integrating a Dojo dialog box into the grid.
I included source code with the whitepaper so you can see exactly how to get the Dojo DataGrid running your portlets.
Let me know what you think about the whitepaper.
Unable to download the pdf.can you re-upload
Sam, the PDF is hosted at IBM’s Developerworks, so you would have to contact them about any download troubles.
I installed your .war on was 6.1 portal, your .war file is not working.
Questions: Why do you have Servlet in this. Your servlet is out of portlet security model, as per 286.
Shouldn’t you have used portlet instead?
The point of the article was to show how to use the Dojo Datagrid. The servlet was chosen so people running in the JSR 168 container could see it implemented too.