Don Tapscott is known for Wikinomics and the Grown Up Digital. He spoke about a revolution underway that is changing business.
Welcome to the age of the wiki revolution. It’s enabled by social media. It’s not enabled by a centralized opposition putting everything together. It’s a tool for military action. Social Media was used to find snipers in Tunisia for example.
This revolution was so fast, it left a vacuum. No one was ready to take power. It’s now a challenge to fill that vacuum with a better government.
Tapscott believes the future is something to be predicted rather than achievedachieved rather than predicted. (Thanks to Mohammed for catching my transcribing error). He differs from the pessimism of Paul Krugman. That said,
- The industrial age is reaching a point of implosion because of the changes brought by this revolution.
- GM went bankrupt
- 70 newspapers went bankrupt
- Regime change occurs in spite of governments throughout the world happy with the status quo
- University, the big thing is to get an A without attending class. “Why go to a class where a graduate assistant tells me about Peter Drucker when I can go online and learn so much more”
- Science, bio technology is about to reach a patent cliff. The whole process is closed to approve a product.
- All of these institutions have an industrial age model. Mass production and mass distribution
Rise of the Age of Networked Intelligence
The beginning of the industrial revolution began with the end of the agrarian age. The printing press was a key innovator. The internet takes it to the next level.
Key Quote: “This is not an information age, it’s an age of networked intelligence.” This isn’t a new idea. It’s was just waiting for a new generation of digital natives.
Four drivers of change
- The technological revolutions
- The net generation
- The economic revolution
- The internet revolution
Key Quote: there is not recovery unless people participate in recovery
Five key factors (in more than five bullets
- Collaboration. YouTube beats Vevo. twitter beats the NY Times. All of this is driven by technological change. The new web was separate. Now we have a global computational platform.
- This will be self organization. Example, Tapscott’s son created a facebook wikinomics community and within 4 hours had over 100 members across 30 countries, with a president, CIO and other positions. Within that same time he had these kids pointing out mistakes in the book and asking what Mr. Tapscott was going to contribute to their community…..
- Because the transaction costs for interaction has lowered, it’s not “Intel inside” it’s Talent Inside and……outside.
- Openness: Transparency as a new force. Welcome to the age of Wikileaks.
- Sharing: harnessing mass collaboration. Do a search on the Gold Corp challenge. Look at Nike’s Green Exchange
- Interdependence: If there’s anything to learn from the financial meltdown is that business can’t succeed without depending on others.
- Four pillars of society: the state, the private sector, civil society, and the individual
- Integrity: Why did the sub prime mortgage crisis occur? A lack of integrity
New knowledge management 2.o
Old: knowledge is a finite resource and you containerize it.
New: Knowledge is an infinite resource and you share it.
New: a new operating platform in all the social tools like Jive, Moxie, Lombardi, Google Apps, etc. It cuts across the entire suite of types of tools. Doc centric, people centric, ERP centric, process centric, etc.
Michael, I was under the impression that Don said “the future is something to be achieved rather than predicted”; the opposite of what is posted above…
Thanks for catching my error Mohammed. I’ve stricken out the original and corrected it.