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Digital Transformation

Gartner PCC: A Social Business with Exceptional Web Experiences

Gary Dolsen of IBM and David Yoo of Kaiser Permanente spoke about social business and great web experiences. I will admit to being biased because Kaiser is my client and we’ve worked hard on helping them create a great portal platform for

Gary Dolsen

  • 95% of standout organizations will focus more on getting closer to the customer
  • Standout organizations are 57% more likely to allow their people to use social and collaborative tools.
  • There are multiple entry points for social business based on where you work.  Operational organizations will address social business very differently than the marketing group.
  • Focus on customers is important. Many go right past retaining customers and try to attract new customers. However, a 2% increase in customer retention can bring a 17% increase in profit.

How do you stand out with all these trends in customer focus, mobile, etc?  There are four elements.

  1. the experience needs to be engaging
  2. The experience should be portable.   Start at home in your pajamas, continue on your phone, and finish at the kiosk in the store.
  3. The experience will be relevant.  Personalize the experience
  4. It has to be trustworthy

Key Note: ROI from customer experience.  200% higher visit to order conversion rate. 16.6% more recommendations

David Yoo

One of the key enablers of the patient experience starts with the electronic health record (EHR).   Kaiser provides

  • secure view of the EHR.  You can view lab results, immunizations, allergies, past office visits, etc.
  • Interact with the team
  • Act as someone like your child or mother.

The site also offers a variety of information like the pregnancy center.  All of this information is vetted by Kaiser Permanente physicians. It has to be trustworthy.  It includes links to health calculators, the drug encyclopedia, etc.

What is the end goal, help people to take action to improve their health.  Adoption is driven by relevant and trusted services.  In 2010, 58% of their members use as registered members.


  • 86 Million visits
  • 3.4 million registered members
  • 25.8 million test results viewe
  • 10.7 million email message sent
  • 8.3 million prescriptions refilled

This adoption has significant organization impact.  It improves voluntary retention.  It improves efficiencies in interactions. It improves member satisfaction. 90% of the users are happy with

Above all, it improves quality.  Diabetes control for example,

  • improved performance on screening
  • etc.

Overall benefits

  • improved quality
  • fewer office visits
  • online booking of appointments.

What’s Next

  1. More self service capabilities
  2. better integration to services
  3. better business agility
  4. Enable a more consistent user experience
  5. Enable high availability of the system

This is a curve jump, not a simple evolution of functionality.

Benefits of the curve jump so far:

  1. 20-30% increase in pharmacy refill in just two regions
  2. Increased online appointments
  3. Member retention: believe this will improve via anecdotes

David showed a video of a member acting as her mom and dad.  The key was the flexibility they gave to manage their healthcare online and whenever she can. It keeps her from taking time out to get permission, to communicate with the doctor, etc.

Gary Dolsen

Exceptional web experiences deliver better business outcomes. HSBC has 35% growth.  Better customer satisfaction.  Lufthansa won a 2010 web aware for their customer friendly site.

The technologies of “Project Northstar”.  Their approach is similar to what Gene Phifer mentioned earlier in the conference. It’s about the user experience and you cannot count on just one technology to deliver it.  IBM offers the following technologies to deliver

  • WCM: WebSphere Portal and Web Content Manager
  • Analytics: Coremetris, SPP, Unica, Cognos
  • Commerce: WebSphere Commerce
  • Unified Communications: Sametime platform
  • Rich Media: standards support and use
  • Mobile: variety of tools and features in their systems
  • Social: Lotus Connections
  • Search:Omnifind and integration to a variety of search engine

Mobile Options

IBM provides a variety of options including Mobile Portal accelerator with device support for 7,500 devices.  But key are the mobile web kit themes for iphone etc and the use of Portlet Factory to create rich hybrid apps in iphone, ipad, or android.


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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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