It amazes me when people obviously use scrapers to harvest email addresses and then blindly send out mass emails looking for business. Below is an email I received this morning, with my comments in:
“Hope you are doing well. (I am glad that she is concerned for my well being)
Haven’t heard back from you, just wondering if you are interested in our services (if she had looked at any page at all on our website she might be able to guess why we are NOT interested in your services). SEO is one of the most economical and targeted way of marketing (really? I didn’t know that).
As the markets are down and businesses are shy of making fresh investments, it is a good time to increase the efforts and get on top. Most people are holding their investments and it’s comparatively easier to get ranked on the search engines (hurray! my job just got easier!).
Get ranked before your competitor does.
Let me know if you are interested and we can discuss this further. We have some special offer on this New Year.
Kind Regards,” (kindly stop contacting me!)
In our business, we spend a lot of time talking about the social web and the need for businesses to better target their customers. Guess she has missed those discussions.