Often we here on the BI team at PointBridge need to document existing Analysis Services implementations. This can be somewhat time consuming, so we developed a quick PowerShell script that uses Analysis Management Objects (AMO) to iterate through all existing AS databases on a particular server an return some metrics to tab-delimited output.
## Add the AMO namespace
$loadInfo = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.AnalysisServices")
## Connect and get the edition of the local server
$connection = "localhost"
$server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
foreach ($db in $server.Databases )
Write-Output ( "Database`t{0}`t{1}" -f $db.Name, $db.EstimatedSize )
foreach ($cube in $db.Cubes) {
Write-Output ( "CUBE`t{0}" -f $Cube.Name )
foreach ($mg in $cube.MeasureGroups) {
Write-Output ( "Measure Group`t{0}`t{1}" -f $mg.Name, $mg.EstimatedSize )
foreach ($part in $mg.Partitions) {
Write-Output ( "Partition`t{0}`t{1}" -f $part.Name, $part.EstimatedSize )
} # Partition
foreach ($measure in $mg.Measures) {
Write-Output ( "Measure`t{0}`t`t{1}" -f $measure.Name, $measure.Source )
} # Measure
} # Measure group
$db.Dimensions | % { Write-Output ("Dimension`t{0}" -f $_.Name) ; $_.Attributes | % { "DimAttribute`t" + ($_.Name) + "`t`t" + ($_.KeyColumns) + "`t" + ($_.AttributeHierarchyEnabled) }; }
} # Cube
} # Databases
OK. So it’s not the most readable stuff on the planet (I tried to clean it up a bit. I really did!), but it’ll get the job done.