Recently a coworker of mine was trying to send out links to a presentation that she just presented on. Being the Savvy Information Worker that she is she was using the Send To -> E-mail a Link menu built into WSSv3.
However, the people she was sending to had said that they were not able to open any of the links. Upon some investigation I had found that when the links were emailed the URL’s were getting messed up. Where there should have been period’s there were %20’s. Example:
What should have been –
Looked like this – http://YourMOSS%20com/document%20doc
Obviously this is an issued. I did a bit of research and found this KB Article on I requested the hotfix from the Microsoft Hot Fix Request Page, applied it and was done. There wasn’t even a need for a restart.
All is well and my coworker is happily able to E-mail out links without any problems.