An example of updating mapi profiles from the command line.
Using a tool I found online called, Outlook Profiler,
The problem was this.
This is a migration task to move the profile migrated from one mail server to another. On the back end to do the migration is Quest QMM, on the desktop was Quest’s Emwprof.
Emwprof seems to have some issues. The issue I saw was that it would not update some profile settings, those are the rpchttps settings.
In this case the source profile has rpchttps setting, with the authentication set to basic. As Emwprof runs to migrate the profile and update the rpchttps settings with new one, the user will get prompted. This is by design, as the auth type is set to basic. The user does get prompted for their mail password today.
This presents a problem, since Emwprof will be run via a logon script. I do not want the user to interact with the migration process. This should be hands off.
The ideal situation will be for the user to log in as themselves, then Emwprof will run and do the migrations on their profile.
Using the tool above, Outlook Profiler, I was able to remove the rpchttps setting from the source profile first, then run Emprof after that.
How do you accomplish this? Simple with AutoIT,
So what I did is string the Outlook Profiler tool, which reads an .ini file and does what’s in it.
So the steps are,
First pop up a message for the user that they will get prompted for a password box during the process. This is because the existing source profile is using rpchttps and the auth type is set to basic.
Run the Outlook Profiler. Using the RunWait state in AutoIT it will wait till Outlook Profiler completes, then after it completes, run Emwprof.
That’s is. The Outlook Profiler tool is a great find. In addition AutoIT is a another great tool to help in automating Windows application via scripting.
Below is the links for both of the software products. In addition is my AutoIT script.
Outlook Profiler,
; —————————————————————————-
; AutoIt Version: 3.1.0
; Author: A.N.Other <>
; Script Function:
; Template AutoIt script.
; —————————————————————————-
; Script Start – Add your code below here
MsgBox(0, "Email Migration Password Prompt", "Enter you GPCAL Password When Prompted On The Next Screen.")
RunWait ("c:emwprofprofilerprofiler.exe")
Run ("c:emwprofGPCAL_EMWProfUPD.cmd")