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Customer Experience and Design

Changes in Healthcare – Utilization of Common Methodologies

As healthcare receives a matrix of needs, and standards in transformation in systems deliver modeling and clinical efficiency, we can introduce the paradigm of focused stages of design, development, and implementation. While incorporating similarities from other processes, such as software development and project management methodology, healthcare can benefit by modeling with these strategies included. This methodology not only enables multiple layers of healthcare to maintain a delineated structure of procedural change, but will also offer flexibility to include additional methodologies as needed and encountered.

An overview of the software life cycle will include core components, such as evaluation, analysis, design, implementation, and testing. The bridge of incorporating these components to the updated healthcare delivery system will be fluid in the potential initiation points of the cycle. In clarification, one healthcare organization may initiate at an internal evaluation, while another will go directly to implementation. Regardless of the initiation point, healthcare as an industry, with the incorporation of a similar cycle and methodology, will be able to establish milestones that promote accurate, timely, and modifiable assessments of current and pending healthcare systems.

Similarly, core competencies of project management skills can be utilized in conjunction or exclusively with the mentioned cycle modeling. Foundational elements include initiation, planning, execution, review, and finalization of project goals and scope. These components can be aligned with the cycle and customized to the healthcare industry at the provider, payer, and patient levels. Detailed enhancements can be included that will streamline efficiency, malleability, sustainability, and prioritization of planning to completion. The healthcare industry will benefit in immediate and long term viability by incorporating commonly used methodologies that enhance a collective process within detailed segmentation.

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David Hastoglis

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