Objective-C on the iOS platform continues to rise in popularity. Between iOS and Android platforms, now there are close to 1.6 billion apps. This is a phenomenal number of apps. Given this explosion, it is but natural to see the proliferation of some excellent open source frameworks on social code repositories like Github and Google Code. This […]
Posts Tagged ‘UI implementation’
Big Design 2012: Lessons in Accessible, Empathetic Design
I had the pleasure of attending the Big Design conference again this year. The theme that emerged for me was accessibility, both for several insightful sessions on the topic and for the effort that the conference organizers put into making this excellent regional conference as accessible as possible.
Outdated iconography – or, why is the Save icon a floppy disk?
When was the last time you saw a floppy disk (outside of a museum, or your friendly IT guy’s stash)? In all likelihood it’s been a while. There may very well be some of you reading this who have never actually held a floppy disk, let alone used one. Oh man, that makes me feel […]
Four fundamental elements of “Lean UX”
I have worked with many developers and designers on both front-end websites and back-end applications. Working through the user experience of an interface is one of the most important elements in any of these projects, and in the last couple of years, I have been fortunate enough to have worked with project managers and developers […]
Hello Responsive Web Design : Part 1
Unless you’ve been living under a rock or have possibly gone full blackout mode in support of the occupy SOPA / PIPA festivities, undoubtedly you’ve heard of Responsive Web Design — RWD for all the hipsters who like their acronyms. In this 4 part series, I will explain the following: 1. What Responsive Web Design […]
Beware the slash: Distinguishing between UI and UX
A colleague and I were discussing challenges in explaining what we do as user experience practitioners. He mentioned a shared pet peeve, the slashing together of UI/UX. I see this most often in job postings, but it appears in technology news, blogs, and even how some people describe their work. The concern that my colleague […]