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Posts Tagged ‘Technical’

Implementing Cookie Based TAI for the Developer

As identified in another post Full login filter testing for local developer environments, the requirement may arise that developer environments need to fully test implicitLoginFilter without deploying code to another environment.  This post walks thru the code and setup of a form based TAI. Create a new class which implements TrustAssociationInterceptor. In this class we […]

Full login filter testing for local developer environments

A majority of enterprise portal implementations utilize some kind of external authentication mechanism. To meet the ever demanding requirements in these same environment the need rises to execute custom code during login process.  Starting in WebSphere Portal 6.1 opened up this capability with the Implicit and Explicit loginfilters. ( Many environments do not require different code in […]

IBM Connect: Designing and Developing Portal Themes

IBM Connect had a great session on implementing portal themes in WebSphere Portal 8.  Stephan Hesmer, Portal Frontend and Design Lead from IBM presented a technical session on implementing themes and skins.  Portal themes are an extremely powerful, efficient and effective way to implement user experiences in WebSphere Portal. Key points that resonated from the […]

Ephox EditLive for IBM Connections

Thanks to Becky Schroeder at Ephox for sending me the following video.  EditLive is an outstanding web-based text editor that has been included in IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Web Content Manager for several years.  If you use those products, EditLive is the Advanced Editor out of the box. EditLive brings lots of great features […]

Social Intranet Technologies, Part 2

In part 1 of this series (see Social Intranet Technologies, Part 1), I talked about many different technologies or systems that make up a social intranet.  In this post, I want to expand the list of technologies, and discuss briefly several technologies that often get overlooked, but can be an important part of a great […]

Social Intranet Technologies, Part 1

I’ve been seeing a lot of interest in the concept of a Social Intranet lately.  The intranet is your company’s internal content network.  In many cases, it is nothing more than a series of links to other systems.  In more sophisticated intranets, companies publish corporate news and announcements, departments have their own pages to share […]

IBM WebSphere Portal Self Registration Portlet Available

In previous versions of IBM WebSphere Portal, one missing feature had been the ability for a new user to self register. It was one of the standard checklist items in a Request For Proposal (RFP) – does your system allow for self registration? We spent countless hours building this capability for many, many clients. IBM […]

Improve user experience through improved performance

My colleague Martin Ridgway recently posted on how your web site’s performance is important to the user experience. Of course this is true for WebSphere Portal sites as well, so I wanted to steal…er, leverage his recommendations and elaborate with some specifics on how we see those implemented within WebSphere Portal sites. Before I go […]

Training options for IBM WCM Content Authors

I recently posted about how to make your IBM WCM environment easier to use for content authors. In many cases, that may be sufficient for your needs, but sometimes it may be appropriate to augment that with more formal training. This training would be specific to your WCM environment – not on generic WCM authoring. […]

Improving the IBM WCM authoring experience

One of the key areas we focus on with many of our IBM Portal/WCM implementations is the authoring of web content within WCM. Let’s face it – while the out-of-the-box interface isn’t difficult to use, it is easier for technical users to learn than for non-technical content authors. However, there are a number of things that […]

WebSphere Portal 8 Administration Guide

Over on developerWorks, Thomas Hurek and Falk Posch just posted a new white paper titled: Administering IBM WebSphere Portal 8.0: A comprehensive workshop.  The document is over 130 pages long, so it covers a lot of areas in which portal administrators will be interested.  Here is a list of the topics: Introduction What is WebSphere Portal? […]

IBM Websphere Portal 8: Web Experience Factory and the Cloud

Packt Publishing has recently published the book IBM Websphere Portal 8: Web Experience Factory and the Cloud.  I am proud to say that I was an editor for this book, which let me give feedback to the authors and publisher on its contents. The book takes the approach of developing a complete portal application from start […]

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