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Posts Tagged ‘supply chain’

Are you ready for an updgrade? Just released, Maximo…

Before we get into the rest of the details, the good thing is this is not a major release; rather, a feature pack to fix bugs and introduce other enhancements. The exception to the major release would be if you’re still running version 7.5 or earlier, then it’s a bit more work to upgrade, but […]

IBM Maximo Customer & Business Partner Development Panels

So this just happened: A few weeks ago, Perficient was asked to present at the Indianapolis Maximo Users Group (IMUG) and found an intriguing subject regarding the newly released Work Center and Inspection capabilities in Maximo. These are new and evolving capabilities and designed to make things even easier for workers and managers alike. The […]

Another Top 10 Reasons to Attend IMC 2017, and a Bonus…

This year is the 32nd International Maintenance Conference (IMC) where you can experience a wealth of knowledge from practice leaders and industry experts. Here are 11, or perhaps 12, reasons you should make the trip to Florida in December. It’s December 11-15, 2017, and the weather should be much nicer than the image in this […]

Internet of Things (IoT) thought provoking questions…

Last quarter I wrote about some of the devices we’re installing in our home and how some of those might be used in an industrial environment too. Click here if you want to read my previous blog and this quick read hopefully gets you thinking further about how you too can get started… Let’s talk […]

Transforming Transportation with IoT: 4 Real-World Examples

We’re quickly seeing the Internet of Things enter our daily lives – the cars we drive, devices we wear, and even appliances in our homes. Adoption rates for IoT are accelerating – reaching nearly 43% of enterprises worldwide.1 However, the scope of applications for IoT solutions is still in its infancy. Early adopters across a […]

More Than 5 Reasons to Attend IMUG in November

Save the date, let’s get together to have a great day of networking, knowledge sharing, skill improvements and a chance to get out of the office. The Indianapolis Maximo User Group provides a forum for Maximo users in the Indianapolis area to collaborate on their experiences with asset management and uses of IBM Maximo by […]

So You Thought the Internet of Things Didn’t Apply to You?

Wondering if this IoT business applies to you and your business? I’m sure you’re not alone, but this quick blog will hopefully start change your mind that it does. For more information, please click here to read “The Why, What and How of IoT – 50+ examples across 11 Industries.” The goal of this blog […]

Trying to Run Smoother and Have Better Performance?

This isn’t about running but rather maintaining a well-running Maximo system. Two sessions – one that’s already concluded and another that’s upcoming – contain valuable information regarding how your IT / support staff can keep the system running and then how to troubleshoot if something does go wrong. Here’s the recording for the first part […]

Tool Management and Having the Right Tools at the Right Time

This weekend I was performing work on one of my vehicles, which involved removing many layers of interior parts to clean and then returning the parts to their original locations and specifications. As my wife helped, and we worked on the project I said to her, “You know honey, if you ever needed a gift […]

Maximo Webinar: Field Services Management

Are you looking for another option to use with IBM Maximo and missed the presentation at Maximo World this year? Click here for the presentation, which might have some overlap to an upcoming webinar, Field Service Management using Maximo. Field Service Management (FSM) gives organizations the ability to optimally plan and dispatch field resources and their […]

Streamline Your Maintenance and Service Scheduling Webinar

For those that might have missed our Maximo Scheduler webinar, here’s another one that will probably be slightly different version of the Maximo Scheduler Webinar from a few months ago. We have the same great presenters and another informative session regarding how Maximo Scheduler can possibly help you and your planning team. It’s Wednesday, September […]

What Does Home Automation Share with Maintenance & IoT?

Recently, my wife and I picked up a few key pieces of technology for our house and started playing around with them. You might be familiar with them or even have some yourself; light bulbs and outlets that can be controlled with your voice, just to name a couple. Not only that, but they can […]

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