Fairy tales have never lost their charm and they have always stayed close and strong in the hearts of people. I have made a maiden attempt to explain the compatibility of Agile and CMMi model as a fairy tale and this is how it goes: Once upon a time, there was a software town. The […]
Posts Tagged ‘Software Development’
How Cloud is Shifting the Software Stack
To the average consumer, applications have become an integral of everyday life. Interaction with technologies over the past decade have shifted tremendously from desktop to mobile, including tablets and smartphones. While there isn’t much to notice besides shifting user interfaces and interaction, there is a lot happening in the back-end, much of which is up […]
Interpreting Spring form tags
Spring MVC provides tags for handling form elements when using JSP. Each spring form tag will generate HTML tags at runtime. These tags provide support for the set of attributes of its corresponding HTML tag. This blog provides a quick reference of how to interpret some of these commonly used spring form tags and understand […]
Client side Inter Portlet Communication using amplifyJS
When portlets need to communicate between each other without involving any server-side logic, client side Inter Portlet Communication[IPC] can help for quicker interaction. Handling IPC at client side provides flexibility to refresh only the portlets / components involved in the communication rather than a full portal page refresh. AmpliyfJS – Is a JavaScript component library […]
But I Want Commerce AND Content Management!
You have an e-commerce site that serves a variety of vertical markets, perhaps diverse geographies, but more critically – a wide array of customers. You may have spent tens of thousands of dollars to ensure your site provides a positive user experience…yet you can’t seem to really reach or engage your potential customers. The traditional website has generally […]
Waterfall or Agile? How to Find the Right Development Methodology
When it comes to managing software development projects, many are familiar with the sequential Waterfall and iterative Agile methodologies. Development teams are often asked to choose one approach over other, as if they are mutually exclusive. But if you consider the two approaches on a continuum, with Waterfall being more fixed and rigid while Agile […]
Measuring Performance of Delivery Teams – ‘starter’ metrics
Recently I was asked about ‘starter metrics’ for projects (both multi-shore and single shore) looking to transition to a much more objective measure of delivery team performance. Here are the first tier metrics that I would recommend as a good starting point. There is a lot more detail in the webinar and associated white-paper on […]
Creating bugs vs. finding bugs?
In one of my Scrum projects there was an interesting conversation between my testing team and the development team: Tester A: “Look at that bug; it’s pretty straightforward that the functionality doesn’t match our test case. Why can’t somebody do a quick smoke test before checking in the code?” Developer A: “Well, yes I agree […]
Agile is mainstream according to Forrester
Interesting article in CIO magazine a few months back about a Forrester report that found 35% of IT professionals describe their process as ‘Agile’ and 46% that say they are at least Agile in spirit. http://bit.ly/dDfRDt I think this meshes up well with what I’ve seen in the industry. In my job, I get to […]