Sometimes when I write about social media in healthcare I imagine a make-believe healthcare technology purist that I’ve conjured up rolling her eyes at me. She scoffs at my adding to the zettabytes of digital data on one of the more “softball” technology topics. What does social media have to do with “real” healthcare technology […]
Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’
20 reasons NOT to collaborate – #1 You are a traditionalist
A few months ago I wrote up this list and will begin to address ways social champions can address the 20 reasons NOT to collaborate. These are the good old days. Just a new version of the good old days. Remember how the internet was going to replace the person and the businesses (.com’s) that […]
Perficient Podcast: Health IT and the Doctor-Patient Relationship
Health IT and the Doctor-Patient Relationship This is the last in our series of interviews with Dr. Nanette Nuessle. In this interview, we discussed the technologies Dr. Nuessle uses as a concierge physician. This discussion evolved into an discourse over whether healthcare technology helps or hinders the important relationship between patients and physicians. Dr. Nuessle […]
Perficient Podcast: Social Media Transforms Healthcare Delivery
Social Media Transforms Healthcare Delivery Welcome to the first Perficient Podcast! I look forward to using this channel more in the future to open the lines of communication on today’s most important Health IT topics. This podcast is the first in a series of interviews with Dr. Nanette Nuessle. In this interview, we spoke about […]
The Right Way to Get Employees to Collaborate
Liza Sisler (@lizasisler on twitter) pointed me to this article on collaboration on Information Week titled, “The Right Way to Get Employees to Collaborate“. Michael Sampson has obviously been around the block when it comes to deploying collaboration solutions and I completely agree with his main premise. Just building something and throwing it over the […]
How to Get Real Value from Social Business
Brian Solis spoke at the IBM Get Social event in Santa Clara, CA. He’s an analyst at the Altimeter and focuses his research on media, social media, and ongoing impacts to that. Overall, his presentation was really good. He takes a pragmatic approach to social business and highlights the difference between just having a facebook […]
Mobile Commerce Trends
This week I was working with one of my clients helping review their mobile strategy and it motivated me to do some additional research. The focus of the meeting was to prioritize business, marketing, and technology goals of mobile commerce. Through this work session some interesting questions came up such as is a mobile web […]
Gartner PCC: The Future of Portals
In a previous post, I talked about Gartners prediction of a “seismic shift” in the portal market. In one of the last session of the Gartner Portal, Content & Collaboration 2011 Summit, Gene Phifer spoke about the future of portals. Gene is convinced that the portal market (and mashup market) will be “subsumed” by a […]
The Future of Social Media in Healthcare
Perficient has created this series, “Responding to Healthcare Consumerism with Social Media” in order to identify the benefits and drawbacks of using social media and collaboration tools in healthcare, explore the doctor and patient communities currently interacting online, outline social media’s impact on the quality of care, and use current innovations to predict the future […]
Gartner PCC: Gartner predicts “siesmic shift” in Portal market by 2015
Is the User Experience Platform (UXP) the replacement for portal? UXP is not an existing product or market, but Gene Phifer of Gartner expects it to come by 2015. Gartner thinks there is a “seismic market shift” coming for portal products, mashups and content management. So what is a User Experience Platform? Or better yet, […]
Gartner PCC: Gartner predicts "siesmic shift" in Portal market by 2015
Is the User Experience Platform (UXP) the replacement for portal? UXP is not an existing product or market, but Gene Phifer of Gartner expects it to come by 2015. Gartner thinks there is a “seismic market shift” coming for portal products, mashups and content management. So what is a User Experience Platform? Or better yet, […]
Gartner PCC: Strategic Planning for Collaboration in a Fluid Market
The collaboration market is on fire, which creates risks and opportunities for companies. When and where should you place your bets on these technologies? Social software in the consumer market has taken off like gangbusters. 740 million people use Facebook and we’ll get to one billion soon. These collaboration technologies are making inroads into businesses. […]