(This post is Part 1 in a two-part series. For Part 2, click here.) Let’s continue our tour around the social capabilities of SharePoint 2013 and its extensions with a look at the value of analytics and why they need to matter to the decision-makers—whether they’re in IT, Communications, Human Resources or some other function— who […]
Posts Tagged ‘social business’
SharePoint & Social: Poll results
My colleague Rich Wood presented a webinar on Understanding SharePoint 2013 and the Social Landscape last week. You can see the webinar replay here and the slides here. Rich has also been blogging on this topic. Rich had some great points in his presentation about Cloud versus On-Premise solutions, SharePoint 2013 out of the box, […]
Simply Social: SharePoint 2013
After my webinar on the topic went so well yesterday, I thought I’d distill the basics of Social (what, how, and why) in SharePoint 2013 into a few quick posts here at the blog. Today’s inaugural topic represents the “what”— a quick look at the new social functionality in SharePoint 2013. Anyone who remembers the […]
SharePoint as a Social Business Platform (Infographic)
While doing some research I came across this great infographic from the Dachis Group. While reviewing the infographic I couldn’t help but think of it in the context of SharePoint as an enterprise social business platform. As I explored in my SharePoint Adoption & Use post, data from the infographics shared there suggested that 78% […]
IBM Connections 4 Videos
IBM has posted on YouTube several videos describing new features in IBM Connections 4. You can find all the Connections videos and more on the Lotus Information Development Channel. Below I list some of the interesting Connections 4 videos. IBM Connections 4 Overview: Getting Started with the home page: Using Communities:
IBM Connections 4
On September 4, IBM formally announced the next version of their social software platform Connections. Connections 4 adds a host of new features in all the areas of the product, including: Home Page has a new user interface with simplified navigation Communities includes new events widgets and recent update views Recommendations are more relevant by […]
Webinar: Understanding SharePoint 2013 and the Social Landscape
Join us Wednesday, September 19, 2012, at 1 p.m. CT for the webinar “Understanding SharePoint 2013 and the Social Landscape.” From the Yammer acquisition to the recently released SharePoint 2013 beta, Microsoft and social business are a popular topic – a topic that we are passionate about at Perficient. During our upcoming webinar, Understanding SharePoint […]
Understanding SharePoint 2013 and the Social Landscape
I’m going to be presenting a webinar on “Understanding SharePoint 2013 and the Social Landscape” on September 19. Anyone who has been following this blog, or enterprise social computing in general, already knows that this space and the outlook for it has changed drastically in just the last twelve months. We’ve seen Microsoft go from […]
Reason #7 to be excited about Dreamforce: Education
In my last post, I shared my excitement about attending Dreamforce for the first time. Now I will start to dive into the various reasons why, starting with education. After all the hype and hoopla surrounding the event is put aside, the primary reason I am going is to expand and reinforce my skills in the Salesforce ecosystem. Social sessions […]
SharePoint Adoption and Use (Infographic)
While doing some SharePoint research, I came across two interesting infographics I wanted to share. The first infographic is from Perficient partner Rackspace and is based on a survey of 14,000 US based IT professionals in addition to Technet, McKinsey & Microsoft Newscenter. In a post early last year ZDNet‘s Mary Jo Foley shared that […]
7 Reasons I am excited about my first Dreamforce
I am ecstatic about attending the first of what I hope to be many Dreamforce events! Everyone I know who has gone raves about their experience. Finally I get to learn the secret handshake and get a firsthand perspective on the biggest and considered by some, the best event in our industry today. To celebrate, I have created a […]
Convergence of Technology and the Social Banking Experience
Elizabeth Dias just posted on social banking and where it could be heading. She has a start on the subject although there’s a lot to talk about in that area. I’ll be posting here and on the financial services blog about a variety topics related to social banking. Feel free to check out the post. […]