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Posts Tagged ‘SOA’

Securing REST services with DataPower

In a recent post we introduced the REST service as an integration option growing in popularity. Use cases for this type of integration typically include exposing REST services for mobile app consumption and for cloud based/3rd party integrations.  The question quickly arises – how can I secure these services?  SOAP services have multiple well-defined standards […]

Going Behind The Buzzword: RESTful APIs

From Twitter to, many of the biggest and most popular web applications have developed RESTful application programming interfaces (APIs). While REST is enjoying a recent surge in popularity, it is not a new technology or approach. In fact, the term was originally coined in Roy Fielding’s 2000 dissertation. And though that is the first […]

BCBS Massachusetts HIPAA 5010 and Next Generation Capabilities

In this video Joel Thimsen of Perficient and Larry Rosen of BCBS of Massachusetts discuss the architecture of the next generation EDI and SOA solution in support of HIPAA 5010 and modernization of Blue Cross middleware infrastructure in support of scaling to next generation capabilities.

Mike Porter talks about IBM Impact 2010: Cloud, portals, and collaboration

Mike Porter, Principal of Portal Solutions and frequent blogger on this portal solutions blog, was interviewed at IBM Impact 2010 last month. He attended many sessions on cloud, collaboration and portals and presents some of most compelling projects and trends discussed at the influential IBM conference this year. Perficient also produced quite a bit of […]

Portal and SOA

I attended Vishveshwara Vasa’s session on Portal and SOA and he gave me permission to post his slides on it.   It was a pretty good overview of options and he was able to into some detail on several items.

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