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Posts Tagged ‘PlopJs’

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Plop.js – A micro-generator framework: Template Creation (Part-2)

Continuing our Plop.js journey from last blog In our previous discussion, we explored an introduction to Plop.js and its installation in a Next.js project. Additionally, we looked at a basic skeleton of plopfile.js. Understanding the Components of plopfile.js As we saw earlier, the plopfile.js consists of key elements that define the generator. Let’s break them […]

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Plop.js – A micro-generator framework: Introduction and Installation (Part-1)

We all may have come across this situation countless times in our projects—copying and pasting files just to create a new component, page, or service. Unfortunately, this slows us down and hampers our productivity by introducing errors into the workflow. However, there’s a solution! Plop.js is the answer to this problem, as it automates these […]