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Posts Tagged ‘MDM’

Protecting Sensitive Data in a Multi-Shoring Development Environment

As more and more companies are “going global” to grow their business and share more data with more users, it is extremely important to secure data privacy and confidentiality. Perficient’s latest free whitepaper, Protecting Sensitive Data in a Multi-Shoring Development Environment, outlines a method for securing tremendous amounts of sensitive data. Highlights from this whitepaper […]

Key Elements of a Solid BI and Data Management Framework

I was struck by a blog post written by Forrester’s Rob Karel (@rbkarel), titled “How Complete are your BI and Data Management Strategies?” This is the type of answer that our business intelligence consultants ask our clients every day, and we often come up with a framework as complete and strategic as the ideal one […]

Perficient at IBM’s Impact Conference next week

IBM’s Impact conference focused on a variety of integration, commerce, analytics, and other solutions provided by IBM is next week. Perficient will be there.  We won the Smarter Decision Management award last year and we are always hoping to do better each year. For more information on what’s happening there and to track it, you […]

Perficient at IBM's Impact Conference next week

IBM’s Impact conference focused on a variety of integration, commerce, analytics, and other solutions provided by IBM is next week. Perficient will be there.  We won the Smarter Decision Management award last year and we are always hoping to do better each year. For more information on what’s happening there and to track it, you […]

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