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Posts Tagged ‘innovation’

Software-based Firms Lead the Economy

Software is eating the world. About a month ago Marc Andreessen, part-owner of venture capital firm Andreessen-Horowitz, wrote an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal entitled Why Software is Eating the World in which he stated that, although the overall stock market and economy have tumbled recently, the United States is still in a favorable […]

Empower Employees with Automation

In an article entitled Why You Should Automate Parts of Your Job to Save It, Michael Schrage argues that the modern employee is more technologically capable than ever before and that individual productivity enhancements should come as a result. Rather than a top-down management decree that “all employees shall now use System X,” he suggets […]

The Philosophy of Problem Space and Solution Space

It’s almost redundant to talk about aggressive project schedules. The constantly evolving demands of markets, strong competition for market leadership, and increasing expectations for engaging user experiences require rapid delivery of products and services. While delivery may have to meet these schedules one way or another, true innovation rarely follows a Gantt chart so docilely. […]

Tablet Competition and Penetration Pricing

As Perry Hoekstra pointed out in his post ‘Forget the Apple Tax, how about an Android Discount?’ the tablet market is currently dominated by the Apple iPad, despite several Android competitors such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab or the Motorola Xoom. Perry commented on the current state of tablet competition: In Marketing 101, when you have […]

[Part Three] Reengineering for the 21st Century Business – Change Management

In order for business process reengineering to yield positive results for a firm, two conditions are necessary: A business process engineer must have identified the current (as-is) process state and created a more efficient future (to-be) process The business process change must appeal to and become widely adopted by the end users that drive the […]

[Part Two] Reengineering for the 21st Century Business – Industry Interview

[This post is a collaboration between Max Milhan and Kevin Feldhus. Kevin graduated from Colorado State University in 1991 with a Masters in Information Systems Management. His experience includes banking, IT, IT consulting and management consulting and he has worked on business process management in several different roles since 1999.] Following a great Business Process […]

[Part One] Reengineering for the 21st Century Business – Don’t Automate, Obliterate

  The computing power that employees wield today is unprecedented. With a desktop at work, a laptop at home and a smartphone in hand, all connected to the internet, the availability of processing power and information is astounding. “The computing power in your cell phone today is a million times cheaper and a thousand times […]

So is or IBM the Most Innovative Company?

I just read an article in eWeek bashing Forbes’ top 100 list of innovative companies.  I too read the Forbes article on the top innovative companies and came away wondering if they missed the boat.  Just like Darryl Taft at eWeek, I also read about Google, the #7 most innovative company according to Forbes, spending […]

What do Netflix and Aspirin have in common?

Although understanding your bias is important to effectively analyzing a situation, the first step in improvement is to identify your problem. What motivates you to make a change? The key to innovation is desire: the desire to do something better, faster or more easily. Consider the following thoughts on innovation: “Discontent is the first necessity […]

Teach Your Apps to Talk

Pam Baker at ReadWriteWeb posted an interesting article this morning advocating the atomization and integration of enterprise software. She argues that integration and accessibility are becoming as important as features and functionality. Remember the old days, when a mainframe or PC operating system dictated what corporations would buy and support? They seem so quaint now. “Anything […]

Innovation Suffocation

This morning I read an interesting article by Scott Anthony called “How Iteration-itis Kills Good Ideas” in which the author details an experience he had at a company whose system and culture were accidentally stifling creativity. “We never see any good ideas,” lamented a senior executive. “People bring us ideas. But they just don’t have any […]

How to Build a Tire Swing – A Case for Agile Development

According to the Project Management Institute, in 2007 61% of all “IT” projects failed or were halted before completion. In 2008, more than 75% of all projects exceeded budgets by 30%. All too frequently, IT projects fail to meet customer or user expectations. There are many risks inherent with creation in an enterprise IT environment: […]

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