The first time I saw someone use Square was last year during a brief shopping excursion in Chinatown. I was in San Francisco for a User Experience conference and had a few hours free to explore. I had just found what I would refer to as the “cutest iPhone case ever” shaped like a bright […]
Posts Tagged ‘innovation’
[Video] Touch Display Technology Changes How You Feel About HCI
Tactus Technology has introduced a new way to interact with your phone: The Tactus Tactile Layer. This morphing layer of magic goo [paraphrasing] can raise up to form actual tactile buttons on your device, and disappear again when not needed. Previously, the only form of realistic haptic feedback available to touch devices was to have […]
3 Frameworks for Creating Reusable Style-based iOS UI Components
Web developers are familiar with the importance of Cascading Style Sheets when developing HTML5 apps. The basic premise is simple, standard look and feel of the elements can be described separately in a CSS definition file and without changing a lot of other code, or simply by applying a different CSS file, you can alter […]
Rapid, responsive prototyping with HTML frameworks
“To design responsively, one must prototype responsively.” – Martin Ridgway, 2013 Quoting myself. A good start. But honestly, the statement above is important. After all, how best to communicate principles of responsive design but to do it as early in the engagement as possible? However, prototyping should be fast and iterative. As of January 2013, […]
Robots Will Take Our Jobs
Wired has an interesting article on the in process robotic revolution that promises to change our definition of a job as much as the industrial revolution did to end the agricultural era. One key aspect is the simplification of robotics and their ability to work closer to humans. Baxter (below) is an example. It’s a […]
A Little More on Web Fonts
Arial, Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman, Courier New, Impact, Trebuchet and <shudder>Comic Sans</shudder>. Those are the basic web-safe fonts we’ve all been using for the majority of our text-based content since the dawn of time. Or at least, since the Web came along. If you wanted something “fancier” for your text, you had to use […]
Responsive Design (+1 General Blog Title)
I mainly write this post to the designers of our team here at Perficient, but developers can read it, too. I stumbled upon a random website by complete happenstance and not because I’ve ever been there before, and I was struck by its responsive layout. CSS Tricks This is the kind of design I feel […]
Are we addicted to our phones? Moment of Realization – Video
I recently came across a YouTube video from a friend titled “Slow Tech” by Joe Kraus. My first thoughts when opening the link was “hmm, probably not watching” due to the 15 minute time stamp for the length of the video. Since it was recommended by a colleague I admire, I went ahead and played the video. It […]
Six ways to make enterprise mobile apps more engaging
It is no secret that the current mobile revolution is primarily consumer driven. iOS and Android devices made inroads in the consumer market first and consequently enterprises felt the push from their employees. However, the enterprise mobile apps present a huge opportunity to learn from the consumer app experience by focusing on making employees more […]
The Importance of Facilitation Skills
Facilitation is a necessary skill for a designer. It is equally as important as being able to sketch, visualize complex concepts, and technical skills like Axure or Photoshop. By having deep facilitation skills, the chances that the design recommendations and solutions are accepted both by your immediate superiors, but also the business stakeholders you are […]
Five Tips for Creating an Addictive App Experience: Contrasting Flipboard and Google Currents
Flipboard iPad App is addictive. At 3 billion flips per month, its growth is phenomenal. But I did not need those statistics to convince me that the secret of its success lies in its careful attention to the reading experience. In this post, I am contrasting it with the reader app by Google called Google […]
Twenty Open Source iOS Frameworks You Should be Using
Objective-C on the iOS platform continues to rise in popularity. Between iOS and Android platforms, now there are close to 1.6 billion apps. This is a phenomenal number of apps. Given this explosion, it is but natural to see the proliferation of some excellent open source frameworks on social code repositories like Github and Google Code. This […]