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Posts Tagged ‘Data Analysis’

SAP Shifting Focus from Product Integration to Innovation

SAP is taking a new approach in the BI space by focusing on innovation as was presented at the recent SAPPHIRE NOW event in Orlando, FL. One of the most promising products, Visual Intelligence, is a desktop tool used to visually explore and manipulate date. Visual Intelligence is a compliment to their recently launched HANA platform […]

BM SPSS Statistics – Data Management Toolset

IBM SPSS Statistics – Data Management Toolset (DMS) In a recent blog post I listed some of the more helpful “data management tools” offered within IBM SPSS Statistics version 20 (Case Summaries, Replace Missing Values, Transform and Compute, Recode, Select Cases, Sort Cases and Merge Files) and would like to review them today. These tools […]

IBM SPSS Statistics – Continued Exploration

Getting Started…Again Back to Statistics; I restart IBM SPSS and from the startup/open dialog, locate my previously defined data file from the “Open an existing data source” list and click OK. My file opens in the data editor (just as I left it) and the Statistics Viewer shows the very first transaction “GET” (and then […]

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