If you’re like me, you spend what feels like a decent portion of your professional life creating and compiling presentations. Or perhaps you’re like the other half of the professional world where a lot of your time is spent listening to those presentations. I reflect back on conferences I’ve been to which are often a […]
Posts Tagged ‘Content’
Picture Superiority in Presentations
In my last post I introduced the subject of 10/20/30 Rules for Presentations from Guy Kawasaki. The theme was to avoid text heavy slides, and simplify everything down to make comprehension easier for the audience. It’s a fairly simple set of rules: 10 pages, 20 minutes, and no font smaller than 30 points. But it’s […]
The 10/20/30 Rule of Presentations
How many of you have been in a presentation this month that has included a slide so packed with information, that you either tuned it out entirely, or weren’t able to finish reading it before the page was flipped? I’m referencing, of course, the all-too-common slide with 100+ words, some bullets, footnotes and sources, all […]
3 Frameworks for Creating Reusable Style-based iOS UI Components
Web developers are familiar with the importance of Cascading Style Sheets when developing HTML5 apps. The basic premise is simple, standard look and feel of the elements can be described separately in a CSS definition file and without changing a lot of other code, or simply by applying a different CSS file, you can alter […]
Don’t Laugh Off The Power of Humor in Your Marketing Strategy
At any given moment in our day we are in hearing distance, visual range, or just a finger tap away from an experience that may involve your brand. A commercial break while I catch up on the Downton Abbey Christmas Special, my cousin posting on Facebook how much she loves her new hair gel, a […]
Tone versus Voice
When developing a brand’s identity (which should take into account both written and visual communication), it’s important to establish the brand’s voice and tone. What’s the difference between voice and tone? Glad you asked. The voice is like the “personality.” It helps define who the brand is. It is distinct and helps set you apart […]
A Tool to Help Plan for Highly Strategic Content
It’s the nature of the Internet and our social sharing habits that we take narratives of every kind and break them into tweet-sized pieces, leaving content to float around like so much pollen in the wind. This is one reason marketing professionals must work harder than ever to define the essential parts of a brand […]
Press Releases: Making the Most of Every Word
So much of writing marketing copy is about making decisions. Every word we choose and every expression that we wield says something about our brand. It reflects on us as much as our products do. So it stands to reason that we should put a comparable amount of effort into perfecting it. One problem that […]
Building a Successful Strategic Plan for Managing Your Social Content
What kind of content should you put into your social media campaigns? There are no simple answers, but if you
e-Commerce on Facebook: If You Build It, Will They Buy It?
The other day I went to take my kids to Michigan Adventure, and, of course, they loved everything from the coasters to the go cart races. And, of course, they had the usual park fare, a plate of cheese that appeared to have some nachos sprinkled in and a hot pretzel with enough salt to […]
The Rise of Contextual Awareness
Contextual awareness is the idea that things that are “aware” of the context around them and behave differently if their environment changes. This term is being used a lot around mobile devices to describe what location-aware phones, or smartphones, and software can do—and it’s a topic that information architects like me are thinking a lot […]
IxD Strategy: A Closer Look at the Power of Storytelling
I’m a firm believer in the power of storytelling, for intentions good and ill. No disrespect to the masses of social media experts who think it’s passe to do anything but hand over the keys to your tweeting consumers, but if there is one thing history can teach us, it’s that we (as a whole) […]