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Posts Tagged ‘connected health’

#HIMSS15: Reducing Readmissions with Post Discharge Text Messages

Today I had the good luck to happen upon a #HIMSS15 session entitled “Improve Patient Engagement, Lower Readmissions with #mHealth.” I thought that was a bold statement to make on behalf of #mHealth. Since I’m a big sucker for a bold statement, I found myself drawn to the session like moth to flame. The session […]

Connected Health Top 10: #1 A Real Retail Strategy for Healthcare

In this post-reform era of high quality care at a low cost, the healthcare industry has been looking towards the retail industry for strategies used to engage consumers. Lessons learned include how to use the retail setting as a medium for providing care and how to engage consumers outside of the care setting using technology. […]

Connected Health Top 10: #2 Term “Consumer Engagement” Grows Old

2014 was a big year for consumer engagement. However, the term “consumer engagement” has been bandied about the industry quite fervently for purposes more aligned to financial gains than true patient engagement. As a result, while the industry wants true consumer engagement more than ever, they are tired of hearing the term “consumer engagement”. As […]

Webinar Recap: A Real Retail Strategy For Healthcare

The healthcare industry continues to focus on ways to reduce cost and improve the quality of care for the individuals and communities they serve. Patient engagement is critical to the high-quality/low-cost initiative and healthcare organizations are turning to the retail industry for strategies used to engage and empower consumers. The key to patient engagement is […]

Connected Health Top 10: #3 The Market Driven Patient Portal

Most industry changes leading to patient data access came by way of Meaningful Use. In the future, changes in the patient portal market will be driven by a series of marketplace dynamics. What does the market think of patient engagement? For the answer to this question it is best to refer to a report by […]

Connected Health Top 10: #4 Telehealth Meets Routine Care

Over the course of a few short years we have seen doubts about the effectiveness of telehealth technology transform into wide-spread adoption of those same technologies. Now that telehealth has proven successful at managing chronic conditions and care in remote rural settings, we will see this trend continue as health systems realize that breaking down […]

Connected Health Top 10: #5 The Next Evolution of Social Media

Over the course of the short history of Connected Health, there have been a few evolutions of social media in healthcare. These include: 2011 – 2012: Healthcare provider adoption of social media was low 2013 – 2014: Adoption is popular with varied levels of maturity. Focus is on relaying population health messaging and converting unknown […]

Connected Health Top 10: #6 The Patient Digital #mHealth Platform

Patient mobile health (mHealth) is beginning to move beyond just a “cool technology” and toward more practical approaches for care delivery. According to PEW Research, over 90% of the world’s population has some type of mobile device, which makes mHealth technology an important connection point for both local and global health. This technology will bring: […]

Connected Health Top 10: #7 Collaborate Across the Care Continuum

At the center of all Connected Health trends you will find healthcare organizations that struggle to provide care and services across care paradigms and organizational siloes. For that reason, there will remain great demand within the healthcare enterprise for collaboration tools that can be used to unite communities of employees that must work efficiently in […]

Connected Health Top 10: #8 Interoperability Steps Into Limelight

Healthcare organizations are beginning to realize that enabling consumer engagement and population health strategies are not possible unless the capability of effectively and efficiently communicating across care venues and systems exist as well. This is a big ask considering the increasingly complex care continuum that matches patient to care provider. This calls upon Connected Health […]

Connected Health Top 10: #9 The Real Consumerization of Care

Speaking to patients about money is often viewed as distasteful in the healthcare setting. However, as both national and state healthcare legislation evolve, and the cost of care soars under the weight of aging boomers and patients with multiple chronic conditions, the patient’s dual role as a consumer of healthcare services will become clearer. As […]

Connected Health Top 10: #10 Slow M&A & “Preserve & Extend”

The world of Connected Health is in constant motion. It is good fun for me to watch the data churn that then helps us predict the Connected Health trends across the next 10 years. If you are curious about what that brave new world looks like, then you can see in “Creepy or Cool? A […]

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