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Posts Tagged ‘Chief Strategist’

Toys “R” Us Reimagined?

Rough news for iconic Toys “R” Us this week as they declare bankruptcy – right on the cusp of the holiday shopping season. Another casualty in this year’s string of retail setbacks, disruptions, and (optimistically) transformations. Analysts cite an over-investment in stores and perhaps too many years of letting the website wither on the vine. […]

Nordstrom and the Reimagination of Retail

Nordstrom just announced that they are opening Nordstrom Local, a new concept store with zero inventory and plenty of one-on-one attention. The store opens in West Hollywood on Oct. 3 — one week after this year’s event in L.A. (maybe we’ll get a sneak peek when we’re out there.) The format is an experiment […]

What Can Uber’s Original Pitch Deck Tell Us about Innovation?

Way back in 2008, Garret Camp pitched a little idea called UberCab, which eventually became Uber and went on to almost single-handedly create the so-called Sharing Economy. To say that Uber was a disruptive innovation might be one of the biggest understatements of the last 20 years. It’s disrupted the taxi business, put the auto […]

We Want to be the Apple and Amazon of…

In the course of getting to know many of our clients and their aspirations, we often work with them to get a better understanding of the competitors and companies they admire and are inspired by. Of course, companies are always trying to keep up with and outwit their competitors, but more often we find clients […]

Dream Big: Building a Great Digital Strategy

We often work with clients that have varying degrees and varieties of a “digital strategy:” something that sort of sets the direction on what, why, and how they are becoming or improving their digital footprint. Sometimes it’s just an idea in someone’s head. Other times it’s the product of painstaking research and planning that thought […]

What They Want. When They Want. Where They Want.

Earlier this week I was flying through LAX, and, due to construction in the terminals, I needed to leave the terminal I arrived in, wait in a line, board a bus, and find my way into another terminal to make my connecting flight. On top of all that extra effort, delay, and confusion, it then […]

Smart Personalization: It’s About Me. And You. And You. And You.

Personalization has been on the radar for years, but so far this year, it has been front and center of 100% of the client projects I’ve worked with. One hundred percent. In a world full of spam, pop-up ads, and in-your-face marketing, customers are still willing to trade their privacy for a good deal (that […]

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